Resolution: Unresolved
Job architecture:
***111O (master)
*11O11111O (jobA, jobB)
*11*11111O (jobC)
1111O (Notification)
It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification.
Alternative path using:
Trigger parameterized build plugin
Joing path using:
Join trigger plugin
It is a build process
It is a dinamic testing process
it is a unit test process and report.
Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results....
- Green color each upstream jobs
Expect output:
Have both paths (alternative path and join path).
Real output:
Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished.
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-10275 Join trigger plugin + Trigger parameterized build plugin don't run properly
- Resolved
JENKINS-10276 Join trigger plugin + Trigger parameterized build plugin don't run properly
- Resolved
[JENKINS-10277] Join trigger plugin + Trigger parameterized build plugin don't run properly
Description |
Job architecture: --- O (master) | / \ | O O (jobA, jobB) | | | | | O (jobC) | | | | \__/ | | \ / O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Job architecture: .... O (master) . / \ . O O (jobA, jobB) . . . . . O (jobC) . . . . \.../ . . \ / O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Description |
Job architecture: .... O (master) . / \ . O O (jobA, jobB) . . . . . O (jobC) . . . . \.../ . . \ / O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Job architecture: *****O (master) *../...\ *.O.....O (jobA, jobB) *.*.....* *.*.....O (jobC) *.*.....* *..\***/ *....* .\../ ...O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Description |
Job architecture: *****O (master) *../...\ *.O.....O (jobA, jobB) *.*.....* *.*.....O (jobC) *.*.....* *..\***/ *....* .\../ ...O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Job architecture: *****O (master) .*../...\ .*.O.....O (jobA, jobB) .*.*.....* .*.*.....O (jobC) .*.*.....* .*..\***/ .*....* ..\../ ....O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Description |
Job architecture: *****O (master) .*../...\ .*.O.....O (jobA, jobB) .*.*.....* .*.*.....O (jobC) .*.*.....* .*..\***/ .*....* ..\../ ....O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Job architecture: *****..O (master) .*.../...\ .*..O.....O (jobA, jobB) .*..*.....* .*..*.....O (jobC) .*..*.....* .*...\***/ .*.....* ..\.../ ....O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Description |
Job architecture: *****..O (master) .*.../...\ .*..O.....O (jobA, jobB) .*..*.....* .*..*.....O (jobC) .*..*.....* .*...\***/ .*.....* ..\.../ ....O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Job architecture: *****..O (master) .*.../...\ .*..O.....O (jobA, jobB) .*..*.......* .*..*.......O (jobC) .*..*.......* .*...\***/ .*.....* ..\.../ ....O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Description |
Job architecture: *****..O (master) .*.../...\ .*..O.....O (jobA, jobB) .*..*.......* .*..*.......O (jobC) .*..*.......* .*...\***/ .*.....* ..\.../ ....O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Job architecture: ****...O (master) .*.../...\ .*..O.....O (jobA, jobB) .*..*.....* .*..*.....O (jobC) .*..*.....* .*...\***/ .*.....* ..\.../ ....O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Description |
Job architecture: ****...O (master) .*.../...\ .*..O.....O (jobA, jobB) .*..*.....* .*..*.....O (jobC) .*..*.....* .*...\***/ .*.....* ..\.../ ....O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Job architecture: ***111O (master) *111/111\ *11O11111O (jobA, jobB) *11*11111* *11*11111O (jobC) *11*11111* *111\***/ *11111* 11\111/ 1111O (Notification) Master: It is a job dispathcer with a join, and also trap some errors in order to launch the notification. Alternative path using: Trigger parameterized build plugin Joing path using: Join trigger plugin jobA: It is a build process jobB It is a dinamic testing process jobC it is a unit test process and report. Notification> Semaphore job with aggregated artifacts (previous upstream jobs), agregated test results.... - Green color each upstream jobs Expect output: Have both paths (alternative path and join path). Real output: Just alternative path is running properly and join path doesn't trigger the Notification job once JobA,JobB and JobC have finished. Regards |
Assignee | Original: mdonohue [ mdonohue ] | New: Stefan Wolf [ wolfs ] |
I think I do not understand exactly how you configured your jobs. Please just describe the dependencies via:
Master triggers JobA,JobB via "Execute downstream jobs" and JobC via "Join Trigger -> Trigger parameterized Jobs", something along this lines.
Did you read https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Join+Plugin, the part under Build Parameters? Since many people are using both plugins together in production (including me), it should work as expected. Also consider
JENKINS-9946, which is a feature request.