cleartool error occurs which does not update snapshot view, yet build still proceeds
This is a good example of a ClearCase temporal issue that goes away next build.
10:29:00 [xxxbuild_winsrv_UAT_branch_CI_jenkins] $ cleartool setcs -current
10:29:04 view_root call failed: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = [WINSOCK] Connection reset by peer
10:29:04 cleartool: Error: Unable to access "\xxx2\xxx\pom.xml": timed out trying to communicate with ClearCase remote server.
10:29:04 cleartool: Error: Unable to access "\xxx2\xxx\java\pom.xml": timed out trying to communicate with ClearCase remote server.
10:29:04 cleartool: Error: Unable to access "\xxx2\xxx\java\managed\pom.xml": timed out trying to communicate with ClearCase remote server.
10:29:04 cleartool: Error: Unable to access "\xxx2\xxx\java\managed\main": timed out trying to communicate with ClearCase remote server.
10:29:05 cleartool: Error: Unable to access "\xxx2\xxx\java\managed\test": timed out trying to communicate with ClearCase remote server.
10:29:05 cleartool: Error: 5 config spec load rule problems encountered.
10:29:05 cleartool: Error: Operation "view_ws_end_load_session" failed: timed out trying to communicate with ClearCase remote server.
10:29:05 Log has been written to "c:\jenkins_slave_to_xxxr3\workspace\UAT_branch_CI\xxxbuild_winsrv_UAT_branch_CI_jenkins\update.2011-10-21T112920+0100.updt".
10:29:08 [UAT_branch_CI] $ cmd /c call C:\Users\xxxbuild\AppData\Local\Temp\hudson7254275208166184596.bat
10:29:11 \xxx2 is already mounted.
10:29:16 [locks-and-latches] Checking to see if we really have the locks
10:29:16 [locks-and-latches] Have all the locks, build can start
10:29:16 Parsing POMs
10:29:27 [xxx] $ C:\software\Java\jdk1.6.0_26/bin/java -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=400m -cp c:\jenkins_slave_to_xxxr3\maven-agent.jar;c:\jenkins_slave_to_xxxr3\classworlds.jar hudson.maven.agent.Main C:\software\apache-maven-2.2.1 C:\jenkins_slave_to_xxxr3\slave.jar c:\jenkins_slave_to_xxxr3\maven-interceptor.jar 64229 c:\jenkins_slave_to_xxxr3\maven2.1-interceptor.jar
10:29:29 <===[HUDSON REMOTING CAPACITY]===>rO0ABXNyABpodWRzb24ucmVtb3RpbmcuQ2FwYWJpbGl0eQAAAAAAAAABAgABSgAEbWFza3hwAAAAAAAAAAY=channel started
10:29:38 Executing Maven: -B -f c:\jenkins_slave_X\workspace\UAT_branch_CI\xxxbuild_slave_X-D_UAT_branch_CI_jenkins\parent\prj1\pom.xml -Dmaven.repo.local=c:\jenkins_slave_X\workspace\UAT_branch_CI\.repository -amd -pl com.XX.XXX:PRODUCT, clean install -Pintraday,db-unit-tx -Dbuild.number=jenkins-UAT_branch_CI-10 -Dtest.db.sid.ods=tst2
10:29:43 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
10:29:50 [INFO] Reactor build order:
So workaround is to setup a text finder plugin to look for "cleartool: error" in all 100 odd build jobs for now.
The ouch is it hit us on a UAT build...
I don't think you want it to unconditionally fail builds on any error. Some errors are innocuous and can be ignored, for example permission errors and files that don't load because the config-spec has /main/0 or -none rules which consciously exclude items.