• Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • core
    • None

      Here's a description of the enhancement:

      As a Release Engineer, I want to be able to provide a label to describe my Jenkins job so I can export it for report/display purposes.

      Acceptance criteria:

      • The Job configuration to provide an optional and non-unique "display name" field.
      • When a project has a display name, this should be used to display the project name throughout the Web UI
      • If a project does not have a display name, the project name will be shown throughout the Web UI
      • The project name itself will only be shown in the config page of the project, under the title of the main project page, the project url, and in the tool tip text of any links to the project
      • Search box will accept either a display name or a project name
      • The main search box will autocomplete with both the project name and the display name of projects.
      • The results of a search will show display names with functional links to each respective project
      • Any configuration settings that refer to a project will accept only the project name and not the display name
      • Any auto completion in configuration settings should only show project names
      • Display names are not unique within a Jenkins instance
      • A warning will be shown in the project configuration page to warn if display name matches the name or display name of another project
      • If there 2 projects with same display name, and the user enters the display name into the search box, Jenkins will forward the user to the first project it finds with the display name
      • If a project's display name is the same as another project's name and the name is entered into the search box, Jenkins will forward the user to the project with the project name that is equal to the search string.
      • RSS feeds for projects show the display name
      • When cloning a project, the display name of the cloned project will be cleared
      • When renaming a project, the display name of the project will be cleared if it is identical to the old project name

          [JENKINS-11762] Add a configurable display name to jobs

          Albert So created issue -
          Albert So made changes -
          Description Original: Here's a description of the enhancement:

          As a Release Engineer, I want to be able to provide a label to describe my Jenkins job so I can export it for report/display purpose.

          Acceptance criteria:

          * The Job configuration to provide an optional "display name" field.
          * When a project has a display name, this should be used to display the project name throughout the Web UI
          * If a project does not have a display name, the project name will be shown throughout the Web UI
          * The project name itself will only be shown in the config page of the project, under the title of the main project page, the project url, and in the tool tip text of any links to the project
          * Search box will accept either a display name or a project name
          * The main search box will autocomplete with both the project name and the display name of projects.
          * The results of a search will show display names with functional links to each respective project
          * Any configuration settings that refer to a project will accept only the project name and not the display name
          * Any auto completion in configuration settings should only show project names
          * Display names are not unique within a Jenkins instance
             * A warning will be shown in the project configuration page to warn if display name matches the name or display name of another project
             * If there 2 projects with same display name, and the user enters the display name into the search box, Jenkins will forward the user to the first project it finds with the display name
             * If a project's display name is the same as another project's name and the name is entered into the search box, Jenkins will forward the user to the project with the project name that is equal to the search string.
          * RSS feeds for projects show the display name

          New: Here's a description of the enhancement:

          As a Release Engineer, I want to be able to provide a label to describe my Jenkins job so I can export it for report/display purpose.

          Acceptance criteria:

          * The Job configuration to provide an optional "display name" field.
          * When a project has a display name, this should be used to display the project name throughout the Web UI
          * If a project does not have a display name, the project name will be shown throughout the Web UI
          * The project name itself will only be shown in the config page of the project, under the title of the main project page, the project url, and in the tool tip text of any links to the project
          * Search box will accept either a display name or a project name
          * The main search box will autocomplete with both the project name and the display name of projects.
          * The results of a search will show display names with functional links to each respective project
          * Any configuration settings that refer to a project will accept only the project name and not the display name
          * Any auto completion in configuration settings should only show project names
          * Display names are not unique within a Jenkins instance
             * A warning will be shown in the project configuration page to warn if display name matches the name or display name of another project
             * If there 2 projects with same display name, and the user enters the display name into the search box, Jenkins will forward the user to the first project it finds with the display name
             * If a project's display name is the same as another project's name and the name is entered into the search box, Jenkins will forward the user to the project with the project name that is equal to the search string.
          * RSS feeds for projects show the display name
          * When cloning a project, the display name of the cloned project will be cleared
          * When renaming a project, the display name of the project will be cleared if it is identical to the old project name
          Albert So made changes -
          Description Original: Here's a description of the enhancement:

          As a Release Engineer, I want to be able to provide a label to describe my Jenkins job so I can export it for report/display purpose.

          Acceptance criteria:

          * The Job configuration to provide an optional "display name" field.
          * When a project has a display name, this should be used to display the project name throughout the Web UI
          * If a project does not have a display name, the project name will be shown throughout the Web UI
          * The project name itself will only be shown in the config page of the project, under the title of the main project page, the project url, and in the tool tip text of any links to the project
          * Search box will accept either a display name or a project name
          * The main search box will autocomplete with both the project name and the display name of projects.
          * The results of a search will show display names with functional links to each respective project
          * Any configuration settings that refer to a project will accept only the project name and not the display name
          * Any auto completion in configuration settings should only show project names
          * Display names are not unique within a Jenkins instance
             * A warning will be shown in the project configuration page to warn if display name matches the name or display name of another project
             * If there 2 projects with same display name, and the user enters the display name into the search box, Jenkins will forward the user to the first project it finds with the display name
             * If a project's display name is the same as another project's name and the name is entered into the search box, Jenkins will forward the user to the project with the project name that is equal to the search string.
          * RSS feeds for projects show the display name
          * When cloning a project, the display name of the cloned project will be cleared
          * When renaming a project, the display name of the project will be cleared if it is identical to the old project name
          New: Here's a description of the enhancement:

          As a Release Engineer, I want to be able to provide a label to describe my Jenkins job so I can export it for report/display purposes.

          Acceptance criteria:

          * The Job configuration to provide an optional and non-unique "display name" field.
          * When a project has a display name, this should be used to display the project name throughout the Web UI
          * If a project does not have a display name, the project name will be shown throughout the Web UI
          * The project name itself will only be shown in the config page of the project, under the title of the main project page, the project url, and in the tool tip text of any links to the project
          * Search box will accept either a display name or a project name
          * The main search box will autocomplete with both the project name and the display name of projects.
          * The results of a search will show display names with functional links to each respective project
          * Any configuration settings that refer to a project will accept only the project name and not the display name
          * Any auto completion in configuration settings should only show project names
          * Display names are not unique within a Jenkins instance
             * A warning will be shown in the project configuration page to warn if display name matches the name or display name of another project
             * If there 2 projects with same display name, and the user enters the display name into the search box, Jenkins will forward the user to the first project it finds with the display name
             * If a project's display name is the same as another project's name and the name is entered into the search box, Jenkins will forward the user to the project with the project name that is equal to the search string.
          * RSS feeds for projects show the display name
          * When cloning a project, the display name of the cloned project will be cleared
          * When renaming a project, the display name of the project will be cleared if it is identical to the old project name
          Albert So made changes -
          Status Original: Open [ 1 ] New: In Progress [ 3 ]

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Albert So
          JENKINS-11762 Changes to add a configurable display name to jobs

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Albert So Path: core/src/main/resources/lib/hudson/abstractItemLink.jelly core/src/test/java/hudson/model/AbstractItemTest.java core/src/test/java/hudson/model/JobTest.java core/src/test/java/hudson/model/ViewTest.java test/src/test/java/jenkins/model/JenkinsTest.java war/src/main/webapp/help/project-config/displayName.html http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/jenkins/05b46659e451c316fb5f1a5243c49b9a84a50702 Log: JENKINS-11762 Changes to add a configurable display name to jobs

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Albert So
          JENKINS-11762 Changes to add a configurable display name to jobs

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Albert So Path: core/src/main/java/hudson/model/AbstractItem.java core/src/main/java/hudson/model/Job.java core/src/main/java/hudson/model/View.java core/src/main/java/hudson/search/Search.java core/src/main/java/jenkins/model/Jenkins.java core/src/main/resources/hudson/matrix/MatrixProject/configure-entries.jelly core/src/main/resources/hudson/matrix/MatrixProject/index.jelly core/src/main/resources/hudson/model/AbstractItem/configure-common.jelly core/src/main/resources/hudson/model/AbstractItem/configure-common.properties core/src/main/resources/hudson/model/Job/index.jelly core/src/main/resources/hudson/model/Messages.properties core/src/main/resources/hudson/views/JobColumn/column.jelly core/src/main/resources/jenkins/model/Messages.properties core/src/main/resources/lib/hudson/jobLink.jelly core/src/main/resources/lib/layout/layout.jelly core/src/test/java/hudson/search/SearchTest.java test/src/main/java/org/jvnet/hudson/test/HudsonTestCase.java test/src/test/java/hudson/search/SearchTest.java http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/jenkins/484d952029b235d889a5d2e4bd9bc44a9707f7ff Log: JENKINS-11762 Changes to add a configurable display name to jobs

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Albert So
          JENKINS-11762 Fix displayname issues when renaming or cloning a job. We now clear the display name when cloning or renaming a job.

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Albert So Path: core/src/main/java/hudson/model/DisplayNameListener.java core/src/test/java/hudson/model/DisplayNameListenerTest.java core/src/test/java/hudson/model/JobTest.java core/src/test/java/hudson/model/StubJob.java test/src/test/java/hudson/model/DisplayNameTest.java http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/jenkins/efcdf14ccb7c52898293a7739f96a0c751cfc441 Log: JENKINS-11762 Fix displayname issues when renaming or cloning a job. We now clear the display name when cloning or renaming a job.

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Kohsuke Kawaguchi
          [FIXED JENKINS-11762] concluding the merge.

          Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/compare/907686a...c93ed1d

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Kohsuke Kawaguchi Path: changelog.html core/src/main/resources/hudson/model/AbstractItem/help-displayName.html core/src/main/resources/hudson/model/AbstractItem/help-displayNameOrNull.html http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/jenkins/c93ed1deb702c3b0577146a0774b89c32642a628 Log: [FIXED JENKINS-11762] concluding the merge. Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/compare/907686a...c93ed1d
          SCM/JIRA link daemon made changes -
          Resolution New: Fixed [ 1 ]
          Status Original: In Progress [ 3 ] New: Resolved [ 5 ]

          dogfood added a comment -

          dogfood added a comment - Integrated in jenkins_main_trunk #1409

            kingfai Albert So
            kingfai Albert So
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
