I have reproduced this issue in Jenkins 1.588 running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Tikanga). It is using Java 1.6.0_21-b06 from Sun (Oracle). I’m not sure my company would be happy if I publicly posted the entire contents of /systemInfo, but if there are specific sections of interest, I could possibly remove the sensitive data and post them.
It seems that one job gets stuck trying (and ultimately failing) to create a symlink. While it is stuck, other jobs get stuck too. The instant the first job finishes, the other jobs finish too. The job in this example runs very quickly and also gets stuck for a fairly short period of time, but we have seen the same behavior in other jobs that normally run on the order of many seconds to many minutes and they can get stuck for up to 20 minutes.
In the screen shot that I have attached, you can see that jobs 1098516, 1098517, 1098518 took longer than the others. Job 1098516 failed to create the symlink. I’m attaching the console output of the three jobs. I’m also attaching part of the Jenkins error log. There is an error in the error log, but it is difficult to tell if it is related or not. It is a frequent error and in other examples of this issue, the error does not always occur immediately before the stuck jobs finish.
Found the same problem on Jenkins version: 1.496
4 Jobs running in parallel, the first one has finished successfully (with console "ln -s ... failed: 17 File exists"), but the others stuck forever.