Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Master - Windows 2003 x32 running as a service
Web browser - Firefox 7.01, and Chrome 17.0928
Jenkins Active Directoy Plugin version 1.24
This looks similar to JENKINS-11644 but it's throwing different errors. In addition, I saw it fixed in older versions. I have tried updating to newer versions of Jenkins, but that has other email issues, so I backed down to this rev to fix this first.
Whenever I try to save a job, after configuring it, I get an error 500. In addition, in the project based security, domain users are changed into ERROR 403 pages. I can't configure the Bind/DNS on this server, I think because it is a 32 bit machine, those options aren't even shown to me in the configure page.
Looks like I was messing with AD plugin versions, so this issue doesn't look right at all. Going to create another bug with more up to date info.