It acts differently in some browsers.
Chrome fails completely and returns to the login screen. (This is my primary browser and the one I was basing my response on)
Firefox seems to allow the changes but has this as an error below the map box: "HTTP/0.9 403 Forbidden Server: Winstone Servlet Engine v0.9.10 Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 781 Connection: Close Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2012 16:50:01 GMT X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 (Winstone/0.9.10) Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID.a0ab2be0=af1fd378a0d73bbc661ac71ae7df2b3c; Path=/; HttpOnly Authentication required "
IE 9 also shows the "ERROR Authentication required" below the map box.
Other browsers (with combinations of plugins and updates unknown) have no luck with this as I have seen on my colleagues computers. So, I have been responsible for months manipulating these jobs by hand. Today when I retested it did seem to work in Firefox and IE9 but I have had troubles in the past with these as well. Firefox and IE never log the person out like Chrome does though.
If I remove security by allowing everyone to do anything the bug changes to showing a parsing error in the workspace mapping at the line where it flows over 2975 bytes.
This error does not seem to effect the job itself and the entire workspace is synced just fine. I hope that helps to pinpoint the issue.