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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-13274

French translation for users is incorrect: "Utlisateurs" instead of "Utilisateurs"

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • other
    • None

      The french translation in menu for "users" is "Utlisateurs". The correct spelling is "Utilisateurs"

          [JENKINS-13274] French translation for users is incorrect: "Utlisateurs" instead of "Utilisateurs"

          Olivier Truong created issue -
          Olivier Lemasle made changes -
          Assignee New: Olivier Lemasle [ olemasle ]
          SCM/JIRA link daemon made changes -
          Resolution New: Fixed [ 1 ]
          Status Original: Open [ 1 ] New: Resolved [ 5 ]
          R. Tyler Croy made changes -
          Workflow Original: JNJira [ 143738 ] New: JNJira + In-Review [ 190712 ]

            olemasle Olivier Lemasle
            oltruong Olivier Truong
            1 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
