I agree that common CPU time will be same. My goal is decrease execution time of full taks.
I have 13 jobs and 5 nodes and 4 very slow configurations, 5 fast and 4 medium.
Decrease my environment for example. 2 nodes and 5 configurations by 1,2,3,4,5 execution hours. Common CPU time will be 1+2+3+4+5.
We have 2 nodes.
If configurations are executing randomly we can have bad case: max((5+4) and (3+2+1))=9 hours. 1 node will be free 2 hours.
The best choice is max((5+2) (4+3+1)) = 8 hours, 1 hours 2 node will be free.
For other distributions bonus could be more significant.
I did new release so it should be available after next restart of Jenkins