Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins head release with updated plugins on Ubuntu 11.10
If the jenkins master config setting is set to "Logged in users can do anything", I would expect that to apply to build promotions as well.
Instead, if there's no user restriction on the build promotion setting, non-logged-in users can still promote builds.
Since there are a lot of AuthorizationStrategy'ies in Jenkins,
it's not a good idea to distinguish FullControlOnceLoggedInAuthorizationStrategy.
What do you think '!' notation.
For instance, "!anonymous" allows non-anonymous users to approve,
and "group1,!user1" allows members in group1 except user1 to approve.
Implementation would be https://github.com/jenkinsci/promoted-builds-plugin/compare/jenkinsci:1653a48...ohtake:9c9ab04