war/src/main/webapp/css/style.css has various CSS errors as reported by HtmlUnit, such as
filter: alpha(opacity=40); /* msie */ -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=50)";
These clutter log output when running HudsonTestCase/JenkinsRule tests, and might confuse standards-compliant browsers. Perhaps better to split browser-specific hacks into separate CSS files inserted only when the client identifies itself as that browser.
[JENKINS-14749] Errors in styles.css
Assignee | New: Pedro Rodriguez [ nacht ] |
Assignee | Original: Pedro Rodriguez [ nacht ] |
Assignee | New: Tom FENNELLY [ tfennelly ] |
Hi jglick,
Now that css3 is almost main stream, is it OK to remove IE filter from style.css?