Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new job - type "free-style software project"
2. under Advanced Project Options Add a "Display Name"
3. Save Job
4. Create a new job
5. Select "Copy existing job" - the advanced Display Name is not populated
Options for populating the Display Name include:
1. Using the previous job's display name
2. Using the new job's "Job Name"
3. Leaving blank
well option 1 can not work because you would have 2 job names on your view with the same name. It might confuse the user if they did not configure it self they would not know what happened.
option 2 and 3 act the same since if you leave it blank then the display name is the same as the job name.
I dont see the advantage for implementing here because leaving blank and copying job name will present the same thing to do the user.
option 1 will not work and confuse the user.
Do you agree?