I'm running tests on Android, so yes, it's basically JUnit. The application under test contains native C++ code that's called via JNI. If there's an uncaught exception in native code, that will take down the Java process, too, and in fact even restart the VM. So there's actually no Java exception thrown in that case that JUnit could catch and report that test as failed. It simply terminates as if the whole test suite ran through.
I was also hoping this could be done without modifications to Jenkins core. On the other hand, I'm also missing the number of total tests on the job's project page ("Latest Test Result (3 failures / +2)"). Would it appear there, too, if you modified the Jelly script? If so, that would be a great solution solving to issues at a time.
A tooltip would be better than nothing, but as you've guessed the whole purpose of this feature is to see at a first glance whether all tests have been executed. If you're thinking about adding a separate columns for that, how about having separate columns for all of succeeded / failed / diff / total tests?
Sorry, I'm a bit confused about the use-case. If a test suite crashes I'd expect it to fail the build/test job, not carry on like nothing happened.
What kind of test suite are you using? JUnit?
Apart from that, I currently re-use the same Jelly-script that shows the test-result on the job page.
So changing the output would require changes in Jenkins core. I'd like to avoid that, if possible.
Would a tooltip showing the total number of tests on the test result column be sufficient or do you
want to see the total number at a glance?
Alternatively I could add another column that shows the total number of tests, but it seems a bit over the top.
I'm open for other suggestions.