Hi Gregory
We know 0.21 is old, but it is working 
1.72 is giving the problem. I have tried to reproduce it on my PC (Win XP) without success.
I can only get the error on the Windows 2008 Server Enterprise with Service Pack 2.
Now we are running with 0.21 without problems. I can't test a lot of things as a lot of colleagues depends on the server running.
I have tried googling the error and it indicates that classpath is more than 8191 characters. I don't know if this can help you in any way.
Building the job below has no problems calling hg, but the polling every minute fails with the error.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<description>Version for datapakken. Formatet skal være i stil med "173.6" (uden gåseøjne). Hvis den tomme streng angives benyttes samme datapakke som sidst. Skrive "nyeste" (uden gåseøjne og med små bogstaver) for at bruge den nyeste datapakke i dette og efterfølgende byg.</description>
<de.pellepelster.jenkins.walldisplay.WallDisplayJobProperty plugin="jenkinswalldisplay@0.6.13"/>
<scm class="hudson.plugins.mercurial.MercurialSCM" plugin="mercurial@1.41">
<browser class="hudson.plugins.mercurial.browser.HgWeb">
<triggers class="vector">
<spec>* * * * *</spec>
<org.jenkinsci.plugins.dostrigger.DosTrigger plugin="dos-trigger@1.23">
<spec>* * * * *</spec>
<script>if exist c:\temp\use_specific_stamdata_version.txt exit
dir \\\admi\komponenter\stamdata /ad /o-d /b | findstr /n "^.*$" | findstr "^1:" >c:\temp\faelleskomponenter.latest_stamdata_dir
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%i in (c:\temp\faelleskomponenter.latest_stamdata_dir) do echo xcopy /y /d /l \\\admi\komponenter\stamdata%%i\nautilastamdata.jar c:\faelleskomponenter ^| findstr "nautilastamdata.jar" >c:\temp\faelleskomponenter_is_updated.bat
echo if %%ERRORLEVEL%% equ 0 (>>c:\temp\faelleskomponenter_is_updated.bat
echo set cause=Datapakken er opdateret>>c:\temp\faelleskomponenter_is_updated.bat
echo )>>c:\temp\faelleskomponenter_is_updated.bat
call c:\temp\faelleskomponenter_is_updated.bat
del c:\temp\faelleskomponenter.latest_stamdata_dir
del c:\temp\faelleskomponenter_is_updated.bat</script>
<command>if not "%Datapakke%" == "" echo %Datapakke%>c:\temp\use_specific_stamdata_version.txt
if "%Datapakke%" == "nyeste" del c:\temp\use_specific_stamdata_version.txt
<hudson.tasks.Ant plugin="ant@1.1">
<targets>updateWS all</targets>
<artifacts>Build/build/dist/*, Build/lib/remote-ejb.jar</artifacts>
0.21 is a very old version for the EnvInject plugin.
Each new version keeps backward compatibility (at least in theory, i try).
Maybe, I missed a thing with the dostrigger plugin.
I can try to reproduce the problem.
Please could you attach your job configuration file (confg.xml)?