I have the same problem.
I noticed that Perforce Plugin is using gethostname() from Computer class that is from Jenkins Core code as Rob said.
Then, I got the method getHostName() from perforce plugin and execute it on script console in Jenkins Master.
I also got the code snippet from Computer class (jenkins/core/src/main/java/hudson/model/Computer.java) that get the hostname using InetAddress class
and execute it on script console in the Slave that have this problem.
Code snippet executed in Master:
String getHostName(Node node) {
String host = null;
try {
Computer c = node.toComputer();
if (c != null)
host = c.getHostName();
} catch (Exception ex)
// fallback to finally
finally {
if (host == null)
println "Could not get hostname for slave " << node.getDisplayName();
if (host.contains("."))
host = String.valueOf(host.subSequence(0, host.indexOf('.')));
return host;
Jenkins h = Jenkins.getInstance();
for (Node n : h.getNodes()) {
println "Slave: " << n.name;
println "Hostname: " << getHostName( n);
println "--------------------------------"
Slave: Linux_Slave_1
Hostname: server01
Slave: Windows_Slave_1
Could not get hostname for slave Windows_Slave_1
Code snippet executed in Slave that the hostname is unknow (http://jenkins.xpto.net/computer/Windows_Slave_1/script):
import java.net.InetAddress;
println "Get hostname by dns"
InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByName("server02.xpto.net");
println ia.getCanonicalHostName();
println "----------------------------------"
println "Get hostname by name"
ia = InetAddress.getByName("server02");
println ia.getCanonicalHostName();
println "----------------------------------"
println "Get hostname by ip"
ia = InetAddress.getByName("");
println ia.getCanonicalHostName();
Get hostname by dns
Get hostname by name
Get hostname by ip
So, for my surprise in the slave it can resolve the hostname.
The firewall in this windows machine is disabled.
Do you thing that it could be because of the network interface ?
Do you thing that this menssage "WARNING: Could not get hostname for slave ..." is a warning log?
What do you think if we change the log level to FINE, due to it spam the jenkins log and don't bring any relevant information ?
The same issue was closed https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-6257