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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-16209

Promoted builds plugin can't promote a build earlier than an existing promoted build

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • promoted-builds-plugin
    • None
    • Jenkins 1.495 Ubuntu 12.04.1

      If build 5 has already been promoted, one cannot then promote build 4, as the copy artifacts plugin permalink options only allow "Latest promoted XXX" where XXX is the type of promotion.
      It won't complain, but you'll get the artifacts from build 5, not build 4 as build 5 is a later build than 4 and is already promoted.
      I'd like a permalink option defined as "build from which promotion was triggered".

          [JENKINS-16209] Promoted builds plugin can't promote a build earlier than an existing promoted build

          Bruce Edge added a comment -

          A workaround is described here:
          where they also describe the copy-artifacts mechanism as not working.

          Bruce Edge added a comment - A workaround is described here: http://overwatering.org/blog/2012/04/promotions-with-jenkins/ where they also describe the copy-artifacts mechanism as not working.

          I'm setting priority to critical because of this problem promotion is useless for me. I need to push artefacts around and use properties file to pass build parameters from base build. Because of this problem that's not even possible with described workaround.

          Uldis Karlovs-Karlovskis added a comment - I'm setting priority to critical because of this problem promotion is useless for me. I need to push artefacts around and use properties file to pass build parameters from base build. Because of this problem that's not even possible with described workaround.

          Jamey Graham added a comment -

          the semantics of the permalink seems off. The behavior of the permalink is "latest build that has been promoted" vs. the specified "latest promoted build" (even the promotion status page shows that the older build is the latest promoted).

          Jamey Graham added a comment - the semantics of the permalink seems off. The behavior of the permalink is "latest build that has been promoted" vs. the specified "latest promoted build" (even the promotion status page shows that the older build is the latest promoted).

            Unassigned Unassigned
            bedge Bruce Edge
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