Resolution: Unresolved
Testlink 1.9.6, TestLink Plugin 3.5
Hi there,
I have some trouble with result seeking strategies, tap files and platforms. In detail:
- my tap-files are in subfolders testresults/platform1/tf1.tap and testresults/platform2/tf1.tap
- the result seeking strategy "testresults/**/*.tap" brings only the platform2 results to testlink
- if I remove one platform (and the corresponding tap-file) everything works fine.
The problem is, that I have testcases assigned to two platforms and I have 2 tap files with separate results for each platform. The TestLink Plugin only takes the second tap file (same filename as the first one) and overwrites the values of the first one. So in TestLink the tree entry is gray (shows the result over all assigned platforms). So how can I collect separate results for two platforms? Currently I make use of 2 Jenkins-Jobs to do this (a workaround). Also: one tap-File with two platform information don't seem to work...
Hope that helps in any way.