Resolution: Unresolved
linux Os
Hi, i was looking for an option, to skip checking out certain unneeded, and space consuming subfolders of an otherwise needed svn repository folder.
example url: http://svn.something.com/big-project/
from here i need the root folder's files,
but don't need http://svn.something.com/big-project/big_oracle_schamas/
they are still needed in the svn repository, but the build doesn't need to check them out. This problem focuses on the disk space, not the triggering of a build. Actually i don't really care if change under the excluded folder triggers a build or not, the important thing is not to check it out, and reserve space in the jenkins slave's workspace
if there is a feature, or option to set it up, and i just didn't found it, please give me a hint about them
[JENKINS-18413] Exclusion option to avoid the checkout of subdirectories within a needed repository url
Workflow | Original: JNJira [ 149720 ] | New: JNJira + In-Review [ 177452 ] |