Some tests in jenkins-test-harness fails in Windows.
This is very inconvenient for I cannot test regressions in Windows.
I know following tests fails with Jenkins-1.520:
- hudson.bugs.JnlpAccessWithSecuredHudsonTest: fails with Java1.6, and not finish with Java 1.7.
- hudson.ClassicPluginStrategyTest: fails to delete classes.jar.
- hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotatorTest: problem with CRLF.
- hudson.maven.AbortedMavenBuildTest: fails to delete temporary directory in tearDown.
- hudson.maven.MavenProjectTest: build interrupted.
- hudson.model.JobQueueTest: fails to delete temporary directory in tearDown.
- hudson.model.QueueTest: problem with CRLF.
- hudson.model.UpdateSiteTest: fails to access local files with query parameters.
- hudson.PluginManagerTest: fails to delete classes.jar.
- hudson.tasks.junit.JUnitResultArchiverTest: build timeouted.
- hudson.util.FormFieldValidatorTest: fails to delete classes.jar.