The W3C CSS validator outputs multiline messages: One output per .css file - if at lest one error is present - and with all errors collected togehter. See log example.
The regex is able to catch the whole block, thats good!
We like to report each error separate. But the groovy snippet can only return one "new Warning(...)". It would be nice if the groovy snippet is able to return multipe warnings. E.g. per function "add(new Warning(...))" or a list, which prevents me from reformatting the log before parsing.
Log example:
Sorry! We found the following errors (6)
URI : file:/jenkins/s7/workspace/CCF2FW/ccf/WebContent/common/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/skins/default/ui.css
Line : 40 .defaultSkin .mceButtonDisabled .mceIcon
Property -ms-filter doesn't exist :
Line : 40 .defaultSkin .mceButtonDisabled .mceIcon
Parse Error
Line : 70 .defaultSkin .mceSplitButtonDisabled .mceAction, .defaultSkin .mceSplitButtonDisabled a.mceOpen
Property -ms-filter doesn't exist :
Line : 70 .defaultSkin .mceSplitButtonDisabled .mceAction, .defaultSkin .mceSplitButtonDisabled a.mceOpen
Parse Error
Line : 108 .defaultSkin .mceBlocker
Property -ms-filter doesn't exist :
Line : 108 .defaultSkin .mceBlocker
Parse Error
Kind regards,