1. Open job config.
2. Select selenium rc, set starting url, and save
3. Open job config--the starting url will be in place
4. Select web driver--the starting url field disappears
5. Save
6. Open job config: starting url field present and empty
added a comment - - edited How to reproduce:
1. Open job config.
2. Select selenium rc, set starting url, and save
3. Open job config--the starting url will be in place
4. Select web driver--the starting url field disappears
5. Save
6. Open job config: starting url field present and empty
How to reproduce:
1. Open job config.
2. Select selenium rc, set starting url, and save
3. Open job config--the starting url will be in place
4. Select web driver--the starting url field disappears
5. Save
6. Open job config: starting url field present and empty