Resolution: Not A Defect
Virtualized Ubuntu Server 12.04 host
When the number of lint warnings increase for a build, our team would like to send out a notification to the team. In our model, there should never be new issues as these tools are supposed to be run prior to committing changes to the repository. We want the user's name in lights if they don't follow protocol.
For pylint, I do this by parsing the pylint.xml output file, but since we use a jslint plugin for the actual jslint run, I have no way to do this. Besides, I'd rather have one way of doing this no matter what lint or warnings are being processed. For consistency, I thought it would just be great if the warnings plugin could provide an option to email out for increases in the number of lint issues. That's what we'd prefer, but someone else might make the case that email only goes out if the last build was unstable (i.e. we reached a certain number of lint issues at a specific severity).
This is already possible using a trigger in the email-ext plugin.
I would like to keep the warnings plugin as simple as Jenkins core: i.e. I provide only the model if warning limits are exceeded. The actual implementation of the notifications should be done by different plugins (email-ext, im, etc.).
BTW: pylint is also supported by ther warnings plugin.