if CI uses XStream for a fixed set of classes
It is quite open-ended in fact.
Discussions in http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/XSTR-744 indicate that using a single XStream2 instance (actually there are a handful of such singletons, in Items, Run, UpdateCenter, and User, as well as the general one in Jenkins) is unsupported—since we have no idea which thread will use these instances, they should really be loaded from a ThreadLocal. Unfortunately these singletons are public fields, not gated through methods, and they are in fact stateful (plugins can add converters to them), so that is not straightforward.
Possibly XStream2 could be a façade which keeps a per-thread pool of actual implementations and delegates all method calls to them, which would allow us to remove the thread-related patches from the Jenkins fork, and which might permit better performance without sacrificing safety: there would be overhead for looking up the proxy, but this would only be incurred roughly once per XmlFile load, which is negligible compared to I/O costs. The rest of the load would only use monitors for the converter cache, which should be quick.
Access to converters apparently needs to be synchronized per
JENKINS-18775but the execution path to the cached converters should be as free of synchronization as possible.typeToConverterMap has changed for more synchronization in two steps:
from ConcurrentHashMap to Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap());
(2) from just having synchronized access to the map to total synchronization in
JENKINS-18775I assume the WeakHashMap is needed in XStream in the general case, but if CI uses XStream for a fixed set of classes we could maybe do without that so that ConcurrentHashMap would do the trick?