I also have this problem. The re-execute promotion option seems to disappear only when I've checked the "only when manually approved" checkbox. If I uncheck that box, the re-execute button reappears.
The manually approved "re-execute" button just moved into the Badge:
Forgive my ignorance, but I don't understand this explanation - where exactly do I find the re-execute button then?
The previous re-execute should was preserved for the non-manual promotion (as you pointed out).
Are you saying that manual promotions are not allowed to be re-executed? If so, why not? Put another way, Damien Nozay pointed out an if condition for manual promotions - why does that condition exist?
I am experiencing this same bug. If I use the Force Promotion button to promote a build the re-execute promotion button never appears and I have to kick off another build to redo a promotion. This is a pretty serious problem for me.