I have a BuildWrapper which modifies the Launcher in order to allow processes to function properly on the system (adjusting environment and command line per local policy requirements).
Since CliGitAPIImpl uses it's own LocalLauncher, instead of accepting the Launcher from the the Job instance, the build wrapper is ignored - and thus the commands crash.
Would it be possible for CliGitAPIImpl to use the build launcher instead of instantiating it's own LocalLauncher?
p.s., please note my use of CliGitAPIImpl is not direct via the API, rather it is coming from use of the Git Plugin to clone/pull/checkout a repo setup in the job.
GitAPI is deprecated, prefer GitClient. GitClient already handle remoting transparently.
Also, git-client plugin is designed to abstract git operations and let us provide alternate implementation (running command line cli is fragile), first one begin JGit with significant limitations, maybe a libgit2 JNA wrapper will be implemented on day or the other...