If sourcecode is managed on multiple JAZZ servers, wouldnt it be handy to be able to configure 1...n servers for a job (or globally) to fetch the code?

      The situation: code on Server A builds and provides libraries for Code on Server B, the code on Server B needs the code from Server A but cannot access it directly.

      Therefor when running a Job that compiles the code on Server B, one would need to fetch/pull/integrate/link/update the code from Server A as well.

      I can think of a "pre job" (or multiple of them) which all override the default server with Server A, Server B, ... and afterwards have a central job executed that works on the code. But this introduces inter-job dependencies one would like to avoid.

      Is this seen as a valid usecase and therefor an improvement? Is this maybe not thinking in JAZZ ways and therefor an abstruse setup? Input/Feedback is highly appreciated!

          [JENKINS-21477] Enable multiple Jazz servers per project

            clkkishore Krishna Kishore
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