The job was set to:
- Abort the build if it's stuck
- Likely stuck
09:49:36 Started by user anonymous
09:49:36 [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
09:49:36 Building remotely on slave-02 in workspace /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/static_data_client_functions.checkin
09:49:36 Checking out a fresh workspace because there's no workspace at /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/static_data_client_functions.checkin
09:49:36 Cleaning local Directory .
09:49:36 Checking out svn://host.../path/.../trunk at revision '2014-01-29T09:49:36.068 +0000'
09:49:37 A src
09:49:37 A src/test
09:49:37 A src/test/java
....... etc ...
09:49:38 A src/main/resources
09:49:38 A pom.xml
09:49:38 U .
09:49:38 At revision 984
09:49:38 no revision recorded for svn://host.../path.../trunk in the previous build
09:49:38 [static_data_client_functions.checkin] $ /home/jenkins/tools/maven/bin/mvn clean install --update-snapshots --batch-mode
09:49:40 Build timed out (after 0 minutes). Marking the build as aborted.
09:49:40 Build was aborted
09:49:40 Build Aborted. Not looking for any TestNG results.
09:49:40 Finished: ABORTED