Resolution: Done
Linux, Jenkins ver. 1.523, Sauce OnDemand Plugin v. 1.67
I am trying to start Sauce Connect tunnel that uses my proxy server for connections by means of Sauce OnDemand Plugin. To do that I entered "-p localhost:5000" (without quotes) to the Sauce Connect Options field within Sauce Connect Advanced Options section of my Jenkins job config. When Jenkins job starts, log message appears that Sauce Connect was successfully started, though, when my java code (that is run by Jenkins job) tries to start the remote WebDriver (normal URL:http://<account>:<apikey>@localhost:4445/wd/hub), it fails with "UnreachableBrowserException: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure." exception.
It looks like tunnel did not start at all when "--proxy" argument was provided in options (once I removed this argument, tunnel was successfully started without proxy usage).
Please, let me know if you need any further details