Wakeup with "Force VM launch" and "Wait for VMTools" switches doesn't do any delay from "Delay between launch and boot complete" option.
[rusbuilder-vTest] Starting Virtual Machine...
[rusbuilder-vTest] Reverting to snapshot:Clean
[rusbuilder-vTest] Powering on VM
[rusbuilder-vTest] Waiting for VMTools
NLP agent connected from /
<===[JENKINS REMOTING CAPACITY]===>Slave.jar version: 2.36
Dies ist ein Windows-Slave
Slave successfully connected and online
[rusbuilder-vTest] VM Tools are running
[rusbuilder-vTest] Finished wait for VMTools
[rusbuilder-vTest] Running disconnect procedure...
[rusbuilder-vTest] Shutting down Virtual Machine...
Connection terminated
[rusbuilder-vTest] Attempting a graceful shutdown