Resolution: Fixed
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This is a catch-all JIRA for UI style/layout improvements we're making as discussed on dev thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!topic/jenkinsci-dev/zDaX4yiWLLw
[JENKINS-23492] UI improvements / refreshing
Integrated in jenkins_main_trunk #3477
[FIXED JENKINS-23492] UI improvements / refreshing (Revision 1aec030e0811e9046d2f57395dac98872de715fa)
Result = SUCCESS
tom.fennelly : 1aec030e0811e9046d2f57395dac98872de715fa
Files :
- changelog.html
After the button style upgrade the position of the buttons looks strange. Would be better if we would have some alignment with the text and with all other buttons.
Moreover: if auto-refresh is activated, then the buttons flicker during the refresh (new style -> default style -> new style). Maybe we should disable auto-refresh for the manage Jenkins page?
Wouldn't it make more sense to have one issue for each UI improvement so we can see which issues are resolved? Maybe we should introduce a new component (user experience) for which we can report such issues.
We'll look into that Ulli. Thanks for letting us know.
I agree with you re creating multiple JIRAs. I was flipping and flopping between doing it on one JIRA (as we currently are doing) and multiple JIRAs. I think if we do as you say and introduce a new "user experience" component, then we can use multiple JIRAs more easily.
Code changed in jenkins
User: tfennelly
JENKINS-23492 Fixed issue where empty welcome page callout block was appearing.
Code changed in jenkins
User: tfennelly
JENKINS-23492 Fixed auth/login links in top navbar
Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/compare/b598301ec313...a277b73497ed
New general layout using <div>s f277502a83
Switch underline/non underline on sidebar in c438a5f2ab
Line up elements in the left side 8057217f1f
Fixed issue where empty welcome page callout block was appearing in 65d3799
Fixed auth/login links in top navbar in a277b73
Integrated in jenkins_main_trunk #3521
JENKINS-23492 Fixed issue where empty welcome page callout block was appearing. (Revision 65d3799f155fe11fe2c86e8be14a929707e9bd9e)
JENKINS-23492 Fixed auth/login links in top navbar (Revision a277b73497edf8a0068a41b5a100d0c856782ce4)
Result = SUCCESS
tom.fennelly : 65d3799f155fe11fe2c86e8be14a929707e9bd9e
Files :
- core/src/main/resources/hudson/model/AllView/noJob.jelly
tom.fennelly : a277b73497edf8a0068a41b5a100d0c856782ce4
Files :
- war/src/main/webapp/css/style.css
- core/src/main/resources/lib/layout/breadcrumbs.css
- core/src/main/resources/lib/layout/menu_down_arrow2.png
- core/src/main/resources/lib/layout/breadcrumbs.js
- core/src/main/resources/lib/layout/layout.jelly
And I thought we were getting rid of extra components… ( https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/2014+JIRA+Components+Refactoring )
Maybe make 'user experience' or 'ux' a label to group these? Would make sense to have these across components (core and plugins) as well.
Not sure I follow your comment. Anyway... yesterday I create a new label called "user-experience".
Well, that depends on how the default assignee (or component lead) would like to work with such issues. (Which requires that we have a component lead willing to fix all those issues With a component the issues are automatically assigned. With a label they are not (the label is also a free text field with code completion, e.g. we have ux and user-experience). I just want to be sure that my issues don't get lost in the enormous amount of open core issues.
Ulli: It's trivial to create a filter for issues and add a corresponding widget to the Jira home page. Even email notifications are possible (if the queue isn't broken as it frequently is).
Components with default assignees have several problems:
- users may not be able to keep up with the demand, making the assignment useless
- I expect users are more likely to take over unassigned issues rather than issues with default assignee.
- The structure should survive single developers losing interest or being reassigned at work
Hi Ulli,
I'm having trouble reproducing the issues you raised.
- On which page do the buttons appear out of whack? The "Manage Jenkins" page?
I am also having trouble reproducing the FOUC on the "Manage Jenkins" page. Which browser are you using? Are you downloading assets over a network or from your local machine? May be a latency issue...
danielbeck: I don't think that email subscription to an issue filter is as comfortable as getting a new email when a new issue has been raised. But as already mentioned: this is something the "UI team" should decide. I can live with both approaches. If we decide to go with a label we should make that clear somewhere so that users know about it.
kevinburke: The screenshot is from the "Manage Jenkins" page (JENKINS_URL/manage).
The FOUC is visible on Firefox, Chrome and Safari (Mac OS 10.9.4). It occurs if Jenkins reloads the manage Jenkins page (every 10 seconds). You need to select the link "Enable auto Refresh" in the top right corner first. See attached screen recording.
Ulli: Hasn't this problem existed before and just wasn't as noticeable because the styled buttons were rather similar to the default buttons?
Also, JENKINS-19828.
Code changed in jenkins
User: tfennelly
[FIXED JENKINS-23492] UI improvements / refreshing