The problem does occur on Oracle JDK 1.7.
When I opened this ticket, we were using Oracle JDK 1.6:
Today, I upgraded our Jenkins box to Oracle JDK 1.7:
We start Jenkins using the jar runner. Here's the full command run:
/opt/local/java/sun6/bin/amd64/java -Xmx4g -XX:PermSize=192m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -jar /opt/jenkins/jenkins.war --httpListenAddress= --httpPort=8080
Since I wasn't super specific before, the exact problem is that Jenkins continues to accept HTTP requests, but hangs without writing any bytes until the client times out. I've uploaded the output of the systemInfo page and new dumps from jmap -heap and jstack -F on JDK 1.7.
What JRE are you using? Are you able to use an Oracle JDK 1.7? If so, does the problem occur there as well?