We have a set of automated test running during the night.
We are using HP UFT 12.01, mostlly with great success.
But, we have a problem when the UFT buildserver is unavailiable.
(Slave and UFT is installed on same "windows 2012 R2 server")
The build report SUCCESS, when I belive it should hav reported failure.
Check this:
Started by timer
Building remotely on HP ALM-UFT Jenkins 1 in workspace C:\Jenkins\workspace\My_UFT_Test
[My_UFT_Test] $ "C:\Jenkins\workspace\My_UFT_Test\HpToolsLauncher.exe" -paramfile props07102014070137475.txt
Timeout is set to: 600
Run mode is set to: RUN_REMOTE
Starting test set execution
Test set name: My-UFT-Test, Test set id: 3967
"Number of tests in set: "1
Test 1: My UFT Test will run on host: myserver.mydomain.no
"Scheduler started at:07.10.2014 07:01:41
07.10.2014 07:01:42 Running: My UFT Test
07.10.2014 07:01:42 Running test: My UFT Test, Test id: 12417, Test instance id: 10147
Test: My UFT Test, Id: 10147, Execution status: Running
Test: My UFT Test, Id: 10147, Execution status: Unknown, Message: Host connected
07.10.2014 07:02:09 Test complete: My UFT Test
07.10.2014 07:02:09 Running: My UFT Test
07.10.2014 07:02:09 Running test: My UFT Test, Test id: 12417, Test instance id: 10147
Test: My UFT Test, Id: 10147, Execution status: Running
Test: My UFT Test, Id: 10147, Execution status: Unknown, Message: Test run stopped.
07.10.2014 07:02:14 Test complete: My UFT Test
[color:red}Test: My UFT Test, Status: Unknown, Message: Test run stopped. \nLink: td://PROJECT.hpalm.myserver.no/qcbin/TestLabModule-000000003649890581?EntityType=IRun&EntityID=51494\n
Test set: My-UFT-Test, finished at 07.10.2014 07:02:14
Run status: Job succeeded, total tests: 1, succeeded: 0, failures: 0, errors: 0
Unknown: Root\Jenkins tests\Automatic tests\My-UFT-Test\My UFT Test
Finished: SUCCESS