This is still broken as of Hudson 1.279.
We use CVS and it is set to poll for activity every minute. It executes
commands like this:
cvs.exe -q -z3 -n update -PdC -D "Friday, January 30, 2009 2:17:13 PM UTC"
-n = "Do not execute anything that will change the disk." (i.e. it doesn't
actually update)
-D date = timestamp to update since.
Unfortunately, the date continues to be the date of the last build and doesn't
seem to change. The net effect is that when a change occurs, it spots the
change and drops the project into the queue. A minute later, it polls again,
sees the same change again, and resets the timer. The quiet timer never reaches
0 because it keeps seeing the same change over and over again (thus thinking it
has never become quiet).
Recommend either the "-n" flag be removed, or the "date" be the date of the last
CVS poll.
Woops, I meant to say I was using Hudson 1.255 (not 1.254).