New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
ExecutorStep adds a WorkspaceAction to track the fact that the flow build used a workspace, and if you navigate the flow graph UI you can get to a workspace browser, but there is not much more than that available. Need:
- Analogue of noWorkspace.jelly in case a workspace cannot be loaded
- Nicer DirectoryBrowserSupport.title: WorkflowRun.getFullDisplayName, computer, path, ...
- Functionality similar to doDoWipeOutWorkspace, though see JENKINS-4646 and related issues
- FlowNodeViewColumn or other way of seeing a list of workspaces for a build (or for the last build of the project)
- is blocking
JENKINS-30346 add a cross platform step that will delete all files in the current directory.
- Resolved
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-28382 workflow plugin: no opton to "Wipe Out Current Workspace"
- Resolved
JENKINS-35482 Multibranch pipeline does not have workspace view
- Resolved
JENKINS-33839 Pipeline workspace is not browsable via pipeline page
- Resolved
JENKINS-35634 It would be nice to be able to query which node(s) a particular pipeline build built on via the REST API
- Resolved
- is related to
JENKINS-4646 Ability to wipe out workspace on only selected node
- Open
JENKINS-31416 Workflow Git configuration doesn't allow to exclude some users/comments/paths from polling
- Open
JENKINS-26432 Allow shelving of Pipeline
- Resolved
JENKINS-30346 add a cross platform step that will delete all files in the current directory.
- Resolved
- relates to
JENKINS-53493 Browse pipeline workspaces
- Resolved
- links to
I assume that this ticket also covers the "Oops" when one navigates to a workspace on a slave that's currently off-line (e.g. http://localhost:8080/job/MyWorkflow/3/execution/node/3/ws/ )? A friendlier error message, with slave name etc, would be good. However, a direct link to the slave node would be better, and a REST api would be best.