Hi Amit
To recreate this issue:
- Use a CF template with Outputs specified, e.g.:
"Outputs": {
"VPCId": {
"Description": "Virtual Private Cloud identifiers",
"Value": {
"Ref": "VPCdev"
- Create a Jenkins job
- Within: 'Build Environment' > 'Create AWS Cloud Formation stack' - Add CF json with all mandatory feilds completed.
- Within: 'Build' > 'Execute Shell' - add 'env'
- After running this build the VPCid CF Output is shown (amoungst other things) in the 'Console Output' of the env command.
- Now edit the job configuration...
- Delete the 'Build Environment' CF entry
- Add a 'Build' > 'AWS Cloud Formation' with the same details as before.
- Ensure the 'Execute Shell' - 'env' is still after the CF build block.
- Now, after running, the VPCid CF Output is NOT shown in the 'Console Output' of the env command.
The use case where this matters is where scripts need to be run before building a number of CF stacks, for example the script may create the CF json template in a step prior to each stack build, and use outputs from the previous stack to generate the next CF template.
Jenkins 1.535 + 1.599
jenkins-cloudformation-plugin 0.14
Jenkins, TurnKey Linux 13.0 / Debian 7.2 Wheezy (AWS AMI from Marketplace)
Tests run as 'admin' user.
More than happy to do anything I can to help resolve this issue. However my Java leaves a lot to be desired. 
Work on this should start soon. See here: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins-cloudformation-plugin/pull/9