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We have conducted a usability and accessibility report of Jenkins 1.580.x (incl. the UI refresh). Find the reports (in German) attached to this ticket.
[JENKINS-26503] Usability and accessibility issues
Thanks a lot for this Michael. And Daniel, thanks a lot for translating. BTW Daniel... you translated that verbatim or are there additions there from you? If there are can you mark them in some way please.
Sorry about that. I clarified most and added some additional comments. I'll try to edit my post for clarity.
The list of the 09 issues is not complete. There are 23 further issues described in the Prüfbericht_Barrierefreiheit_Jenkins_v1.580.1.pdf they are also Listed in the Maßnahmenplan_Barrierefreiheit_Jenkins_v1.580.1.xlsx
As Daniel already noted - the Jenkins was not vanilla core - it contained a set of plugins we have in use. Also the testers had none administrative access. Editing of jobs or access to the configuration of Jenkins was not possible for them.
andreasmandel Thanks for the reminder. I'm still reading the longer report. I'm afraid that there's so much in Jenkins that just isn't designed with blind users in mind that I doubt we'll ever make significant progress there. Maybe once the forms are fully off tables, if we ever get to that.
I assume you're working with Michael? Are you or he one of the authors? If so, could you please clarify finding 2/9 (which links are not recognizable as such? Is color not sufficient?) and Seven Of Nine (Save/Apply work just like OK/Apply in tons of Windows config dialogs)
I just saw the following on the dev list:
For documenting purposes, we need to show internally that we have at least reported the issues back to the "tool vendor", I would like to create a JIRA ticket in the Jenkins JIRA. To this ticket I would like to attach the documents and for each finding from the report we could create a sub-task or a separate task where each issue can be discussed.
Is this already sufficiently done, or what's needed here?
We could also discussion of this report to the agenda of the next project governance meeting. Especially wrt. blind users, maybe we can decide on how much we want to do there. The meetings are public (on IRC), and publicly archived (http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins/).
danielbeck Yes I work with Michael - I should have mentioned that. But I'm not one of the authors.
2/9: Can you check page 16 of Kurzbericht_Software-Ergonomie_Jenkins_1.580.1.pdf the red marks on the screen shot.
7 of 9 : I see your point. I try to get more details on this.
The ticket should be sufficient. I appreciate that you pick this up, likely there are some quick wins that might be worth to be addressed. Putting this on the agenda of the project governance meeting sounds good.
Compact translation of the issues found in Prüfbericht_Barrierefreiheit_Jenkins_v1.580.1.pdf. See the document for screen shots and detail description (in German). Unfortunately most of the points realy need the detailed context information to be clear. Also sorry if I did not get the exact translation. For the severity, I've condensed the details given to 3 stages from low + to high +++.
[1] Mehrere Elemente sind durch Tastaturfallen nicht erreichbar.
Several elements are not reachable because of keyboard traps. Not / hardly reachable by keyboard commands.
Page 11&12, "Abbildung 3-1" & "Abbildung 3-2"
Severity: +++
[2] Mehrere Diagramminhalte sind nicht gut wahrnehmbar.
Content of several charts are not easy perceivable.
Page 13, "Abbildung 3-3"
Severity: ++
[3] Mehrere Formularfelder werden ohne Beschriftung ausgegeben.
Several form fields are without label. Or the label is not linked to the form field.
Page 14&15, "Abbildung 3-4", "Abbildung 3-5", "Abbildung 3-6"
Severity: ++
[4] Die Fokusreihenfolge ist auf mehreren Masken nicht schlüssig.
Order of field focus is not consistent on several pages.
Page 16-18, "Abbildung 3-7" - "Abbildung 3-11"
Severity: ++
[5] Die aktuelle Position ist für blinde Nutzer nicht gut erkennbar.
Position (in menu / application navigation) is not clearly visible for blind users.
Page 19, "Abbildung 3-12"
Severity: ++
[6] Mehrere Aktualisierungen sind nicht gut bedienbar.
Several updates are not easy to operate.
Page 20, "Abbildung 3-13"
Severity: ++
[7] Die fehlerhaften Eingaben sind teilweise nicht gut erkennbar bzw. korrigierbar.
Wrong input is not always clearly visible.
Page 21&22, "Abbildung 3-14" & "Abbildung 3-16"
Severity: ++
[8] Mehrere Inhalte sind für blinde Nutzer nicht gut wahrnehmbar.
Part of the content is not clearly visible for blind users.
Page 23-28, "Abbildung 3-17" - "Abbildung 3-24"
Severity: ++
[9] Mehrere Aufzählungen sind für blinde Nutzer nicht gut wahrnehmbar.
Several enumerations are not clearly visible for blind users.
Page 29, "Abbildung 3-25"
Severity: +
[10] Die Inhalte in wenigen Datentabellen sind nicht gut wahrnehmbar.
Few data tables have not easy perceivable content.
Page 30&31, "Abbildung 3-26" - "Abbildung 3-27"
Severity: +
[11] Wenige Hintergrundgrafiken übermitteln Informationen.
Few background graphics contain information, which should not be the case.
Page 32&33, "Abbildung 3-28" - "Abbildung 3-29"
Severity: +
[12] Wenige Grafiken sind nicht mit einem alt-Attribut ausgezeichnet.
Few images have no alt attribute.
Page 34&35, "Abbildung 3-30" - "Abbildung 3-32"
Severity: +
[13] Mehrere Inhalte werden nicht in der visuellen bzw. inhaltlich logischen Reihenfolge ausgegeben.
Some content is not ordered in visual or logical order.
Page 36, "Abbildung 3-33"
Severity: +
[14] In wenigen Datentabellen werden die Informationen nur über die Farbe vermittelt.
View data tables carry information sole in the color.
Page 37, "Abbildung 3-34"
Severity: +
[15] Nach der Schriftgrößenanpassung sind wenige Informationen nicht mehr sichtbar.
After changing the font size, a small part of the information is hidden.
Page 38, "Abbildung 3-35"
Severity: +
[16] Wenige Funktionen sind mit der Tastatur nicht erreichbar bzw. bedienbar.
Few operations are not reachable or operable by keyboard.
Page 39&40, "Abbildung 3-36" - "Abbildung 3-38"
Severity: +
[17] Mehrere Überschriften sind im Quellcode nicht als solche ausgezeichnet.
Several headlines are not marked as such.
Page 41&42, "Abbildung 3-39" & "Abbildung 3-40"
Severity: +
[18] Mehrere Layouttabellen werden als Datentabellen erkannt und ausgegeben.
*Several layout tables are recognized and rendered as data tables.
Page 43, "Abbildung 3-41"
Severity: +
[19] Der Tastaturfokus ist auf mehreren Elementen nicht bzw. kaum sichtbar.
Keyboard focus is not or barely visible on some elements.
Page 44&45, "Abbildung 3-42" & "Abbildung 3-43"
Severity: +
[20] Die Dokumentsprache ist nicht ausgezeichnet.
The language of the document is not declared.
Page 46, "Abbildung 3-44"
Severity: +
[21] Der Kontrastabstand ist bei einem Text nicht ausreichend.
The contrast is to low for one text.
Page 47&48, "Abbildung 3-45" & "Abbildung 3-46"
Severity: +
[22] Die Pflichtfelder sind teilweise nicht ausgezeichnet.
Mandatory field as partly not marked as such.
Page 49, "Abbildung 3-47"
Severity: +
[23] Wenige Formularfeldgruppen sind nicht ausgezeichnet.
Few form groups are not marked as such.
Page 50, "Abbildung 3-47"
Severity: +
2/9: Can you check page 16 of Kurzbericht_Software-Ergonomie_Jenkins_1.580.1.pdf the red marks on the screen shot.
Right, those are almost all links in obvious navigation related areas that are trivial to confirm by mouseover. (The 'Cancel' link below this comment field isn't underlined by default either and obviously an action.) I was wondering whether it's more than just those, e.g. links that can legitimately be mistaken as regular text.
BTW, this is exactly the kind of thing I have in mind for UI Themes i.e. the ability to personalise such things on a user-by-user login basis e.g. allowing a person with sight issues to configure their login to show links underlined, bright purple and with a yellow background.
Dev discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!topic/jenkinsci-dev/VaTOWEZHyfI
I've got feedback to the Seven Of Nine (Save/Apply work just like OK/Apply in tons of Windows config dialogs) topic:
The argent is that many users do not get the difference between the two buttons - but they admit that this might be well known to the users in the context of Jenkins. It might be a clear solution to change the text to 'Apply & Close' and 'Apply' or similar to avoid the possible misunderstanding.
In addition a 'Cancel' button is missing.
Loose translation of the short summary report's usability problems (all are classified minor), with additional comments in italics:
1. Inconsistent navigation
2. Multiple links cannot be recognized as such
3. All tables (build history widget in the example) should have a 'Legend' link with explanation for the symbols used.
Maybe we could move the legend link to the footer?
4. Viewing files and raw console output (basically everything not using the regular basic layout) should not open in the same window.
5. Mandatory text fields are not recognizable as such except by their validation error.
Recommendation is to add an icon or other marking (such as an asterisk?) to mandatory form fields, and possibly some color highlighting.
6. Translation is incomplete
It's kind of ironic that the screenshot includes the 'help us' link from the Translation Assistance plugin. The specific issues highlighted are not in core, but an action and column from installed non-default plugins. Still, I've seen hardcoded strings in plugins that won't be translatable easily, and that must go.
7. Two buttons have the same functionality
I don't see the point of this, as with all other forms (consistency!) 'Save' leaves the form while 'Apply' does not. Users should be used to it from Windows.
8. View tabs that show global views (in My Views) are not recognizable as such before clicking them.
A horrible feature all around IMO
9. The inline description editor has no 'cancel' button.
This issue was much more vaguely described, but it boils down to the inline editor not having a cancel button