Hi Jean,
I am having some problems with my CI server too and I am wondering if it is the same problem !
Configuration is the same :
• A basic multi-branch job with a parametrized build with parameter BRANCH_TO_BUILD, default **
• Git SCM with branch specifier "${BRANCH_TO_BUILD}"
• SCM polling enabled
Basically what I would like is for the job to trigger a build on any branch (develop, master, feature/xx) if there is a commit on it. I can also manually build a specific branch
What seems to happen is that Jenkins will only poll changes in the branch I manually build. For example :
• if I build manually /develop, afterward my automatic poll will only track changes in develop http://i.imgur.com/8L5tuTS.png
• if I the trigger on manually build with parameter ** then the automatic poll will correctly track all branches http://i.imgur.com/HgBwRMM.png
I believe this is the same issue (or maybe https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-27349 - all 3 seems related) but please confirm otherwise I will open a dedicated issue
Fixed in pull-request https://github.com/jenkinsci/git-plugin/pull/309