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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-27530

ISE from RunMap.put after reloading configuration from disk

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • core
    • The dead node is Win7 running cygwin sshd, the server is RHEL5. Jenkins version 1.605.

      Submitting log per instructions on the dead node page.

      Unexpected executor death
      java.lang.IllegalStateException: /hfs/d1/local/jenkins/jobs/test_other/builds/96 already existed; will not overwite with test_other #96
      at hudson.model.RunMap.put(RunMap.java:187)
      at jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn.newBuild(LazyBuildMixIn.java:178)
      at hudson.model.AbstractProject.newBuild(AbstractProject.java:1006)
      at hudson.model.AbstractProject.createExecutable(AbstractProject.java:1205)
      at hudson.model.AbstractProject.createExecutable(AbstractProject.java:144)
      at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:213)

          [JENKINS-27530] ISE from RunMap.put after reloading configuration from disk

          Daniel Beck added a comment -

          Would be interesting which logs you have installed, how the job is configured (e.g. parallel execution), when this issue occurred and when the "original" build 96 was created.

          Could you install the Support Core plugin and attach a support bundle to this issue?

          There are a few issues related to that (JENKINS-26582 is at least similar) since 1.597 changed how builds are stored on disk, but we don't yet have the cause. And the alternative to just overwrite the original build's data is even scarier than this...

          Daniel Beck added a comment - Would be interesting which logs you have installed, how the job is configured (e.g. parallel execution), when this issue occurred and when the "original" build 96 was created. Could you install the Support Core plugin and attach a support bundle to this issue? There are a few issues related to that ( JENKINS-26582 is at least similar) since 1.597 changed how builds are stored on disk, but we don't yet have the cause. And the alternative to just overwrite the original build's data is even scarier than this...

          Jesse Glick added a comment - - edited

          drivehappy claims reproducible when using the Reload Configuration from Disk (/reload) function. Have not yet tried it. Generally do not recommend using this feature; it has always been buggy.

          Jesse Glick added a comment - - edited drivehappy claims reproducible when using the Reload Configuration from Disk ( /reload ) function. Have not yet tried it. Generally do not recommend using this feature; it has always been buggy.

          Jesse Glick added a comment -

          tsniatowski has basically the same observation, though with a simpler recipe.

          Jesse Glick added a comment - tsniatowski has basically the same observation, though with a simpler recipe.

          Found a consistent way to replicate this.

          Create a matrix build with 20 sub builds, put something as "sleep 30" inside of the shell script. Make sure you only have 1 or 2 executors so that sub builds sit in queue for a while.

          1. Trigger first build
          2. Let a couple su builds start
          3. Add another parent build to the queue
          4. Kill the first build
          5. Kill any current sub builds that are running
          6. Eventually you will get the exception and the Executor thread crashes

          The reason for this is when a sub build is sitting in the queue and the parent is aborted, it will try to get the build number from last build and you have a root dir collision.

          This code throws the exception and the node's thread crashes leaving the node offline

          Current work around to prevent the node from crashing is

          if (lastBuild.getRootDir().exists()){

          this does mean that some of the workspaces will be deleted and lost.

          dima kovalenko added a comment - Found a consistent way to replicate this. Create a matrix build with 20 sub builds, put something as "sleep 30" inside of the shell script. Make sure you only have 1 or 2 executors so that sub builds sit in queue for a while. Trigger first build Let a couple su builds start Add another parent build to the queue Kill the first build Kill any current sub builds that are running Eventually you will get the exception and the Executor thread crashes The reason for this is when a sub build is sitting in the queue and the parent is aborted, it will try to get the build number from last build and you have a root dir collision. This code throws the exception and the node's thread crashes leaving the node offline https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/blob/51b8b641c50e5dcef4a3ce90a0742e75ecee8625/core/src/main/java/hudson/model/RunMap.java#L188 Current work around to prevent the node from crashing is if (lastBuild.getRootDir().exists()){ FileUtils.deleteDirectory(lastBuild.getRootDir()); } this does mean that some of the workspaces will be deleted and lost.

          Mark Waite added a comment - - edited

          I believe I'm frequently seeing the same failure conditions as described by dimacus. I use multi-configuration jobs very frequently to test the git plugin and git client plugin in multiple environments. A recent pull request which I was evaluating frequently stops making progress as a build job due to an out of memory condition within the maven build process.

          Because the multi-configuration job stops making progress, I need to cancel the multi-configuration job. I typically stop the individual jobs first, then stop the root job.

          It does not seem to happen on every run, but once it happens, it may persist for several cycles of "restart the thread".

          I'm running Jenkins 1.642.4, current versions of plugins as of 13 Apr 2016.

          The condition also seems to have been visible if one or more of the jobs of a multi-configuration project are blocked from execution at the time I restart the Jenkins server. If (for example) the job depends on a node which is not available, but other sub-jobs in that multi-configuration job have executed successfully as part of that build, then after the restart of the Jenkins server, several nodes will report the same illegal state exception.

          Mark Waite added a comment - - edited I believe I'm frequently seeing the same failure conditions as described by dimacus . I use multi-configuration jobs very frequently to test the git plugin and git client plugin in multiple environments. A recent pull request which I was evaluating frequently stops making progress as a build job due to an out of memory condition within the maven build process. Because the multi-configuration job stops making progress, I need to cancel the multi-configuration job. I typically stop the individual jobs first, then stop the root job. It does not seem to happen on every run, but once it happens, it may persist for several cycles of "restart the thread". I'm running Jenkins 1.642.4, current versions of plugins as of 13 Apr 2016. The condition also seems to have been visible if one or more of the jobs of a multi-configuration project are blocked from execution at the time I restart the Jenkins server. If (for example) the job depends on a node which is not available, but other sub-jobs in that multi-configuration job have executed successfully as part of that build, then after the restart of the Jenkins server, several nodes will report the same illegal state exception.

          Daniel Beck added a comment -

          Some analysis in JENKINS-33794.

          Daniel Beck added a comment - Some analysis in JENKINS-33794 .

          Jeff Miller added a comment -

          This issue is not related to any plugins, it can be reproduced easily with a freestyle job, and doing a reload. Please see Jenkins 33794.

          Jeff Miller added a comment - This issue is not related to any plugins, it can be reproduced easily with a freestyle job, and doing a reload. Please see Jenkins 33794.

          Mark Waite added a comment -

          jeff_a_miller I was trying to use the matrix job example as an alternative way of showing the problem, without performing a "reload configuration from disk". The description of the reload scenario in JENKINS-33794 makes me nervous, since it is reloading the job definitions while jobs are running. That seems (to me) like a hard problem to solve reliably.

          I had always assumed that "Reload configuration from disk" would tend to be destructive and risky, and should only be done on a quiet system. Jesse Glick's earlier comment seemed to support my skepticism of "Reload configuration from disk".

          Mark Waite added a comment - jeff_a_miller I was trying to use the matrix job example as an alternative way of showing the problem, without performing a "reload configuration from disk". The description of the reload scenario in JENKINS-33794 makes me nervous, since it is reloading the job definitions while jobs are running. That seems (to me) like a hard problem to solve reliably. I had always assumed that "Reload configuration from disk" would tend to be destructive and risky, and should only be done on a quiet system. Jesse Glick's earlier comment seemed to support my skepticism of "Reload configuration from disk".

          Jeff Miller added a comment -

          If "Reload Configuration from disk" isn't going to be fully supported then it should be removed entirely.

          I've worked around this issue by downloading the code and modifying the java.hudson.model.Job.java class to force it to read from the file "nextBuildNumber" every time it needs nextBuildNumber. However this has the side effect of builds that enter the Pending Build Queue while a reload is occurring, will not show up in the build history until another "Reload configuration from disk" is performed. Some legacy support maybe needed to added back in on the onLoad() method.

           * The MIT License
           * Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Martin Eigenbrodt, Matthew R. Harrah, Red Hat, Inc., Stephen Connolly, Tom Huybrechts, CloudBees, Inc.
           * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
           * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
           * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
           * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
           * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
           * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
           * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
           * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
           * THE SOFTWARE.
          package hudson.model;
          import com.google.common.base.Function;
          import com.google.common.collect.Collections2;
          import com.infradna.tool.bridge_method_injector.WithBridgeMethods;
          import hudson.BulkChange;
          import hudson.EnvVars;
          import hudson.Extension;
          import hudson.ExtensionPoint;
          import hudson.PermalinkList;
          import hudson.Util;
          import hudson.cli.declarative.CLIResolver;
          import hudson.model.Descriptor.FormException;
          import hudson.model.Fingerprint.Range;
          import hudson.model.Fingerprint.RangeSet;
          import hudson.model.PermalinkProjectAction.Permalink;
          import hudson.model.listeners.ItemListener;
          import hudson.search.QuickSilver;
          import hudson.search.SearchIndex;
          import hudson.search.SearchIndexBuilder;
          import hudson.search.SearchItem;
          import hudson.search.SearchItems;
          import hudson.security.ACL;
          import hudson.tasks.LogRotator;
          import hudson.util.AlternativeUiTextProvider;
          import hudson.util.ChartUtil;
          import hudson.util.ColorPalette;
          import hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList;
          import hudson.util.DataSetBuilder;
          import hudson.util.DescribableList;
          import hudson.util.FormApply;
          import hudson.util.Graph;
          import hudson.util.ProcessTree;
          import hudson.util.QuotedStringTokenizer;
          import hudson.util.RunList;
          import hudson.util.ShiftedCategoryAxis;
          import hudson.util.StackedAreaRenderer2;
          import hudson.util.TextFile;
          import hudson.widgets.HistoryWidget;
          import hudson.widgets.HistoryWidget.Adapter;
          import hudson.widgets.Widget;
          import jenkins.model.BuildDiscarder;
          import jenkins.model.DirectlyModifiableTopLevelItemGroup;
          import jenkins.model.Jenkins;
          import jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy;
          import jenkins.security.HexStringConfidentialKey;
          import jenkins.util.io.OnMaster;
          import net.sf.json.JSONException;
          import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
          import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
          import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
          import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
          import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis;
          import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryLabelPositions;
          import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis;
          import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot;
          import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
          import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.StackedAreaRenderer;
          import org.jfree.data.category.CategoryDataset;
          import org.jfree.ui.RectangleInsets;
          import org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable;
          import org.kohsuke.args4j.Argument;
          import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException;
          import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerOverridable;
          import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest;
          import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse;
          import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.Exported;
          import org.kohsuke.stapler.interceptor.RequirePOST;
          import javax.servlet.ServletException;
          import java.awt.*;
          import java.io.*;
          import java.net.URLEncoder;
          import java.util.*;
          import java.util.List;
          import java.util.logging.Level;
          import java.util.logging.Logger;
          import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
          import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
          import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.*;
          import jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderProperty;
          import jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithChildren;
          import jenkins.model.RunIdMigrator;
          import jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn;
          import org.kohsuke.accmod.Restricted;
          import org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse;
           * A job is an runnable entity under the monitoring of Hudson.
           * <p>
           * Every time it "runs", it will be recorded as a {@link Run} object.
           * <p>
           * To create a custom job type, extend {@link TopLevelItemDescriptor} and put {@link Extension} on it.
           * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
          public abstract class Job<JobT extends Job<JobT, RunT>, RunT extends Run<JobT, RunT>>
                  extends AbstractItem implements ExtensionPoint, StaplerOverridable, ModelObjectWithChildren, OnMaster {
               * Next build number. Kept in a separate file because this is the only
               * information that gets updated often. This allows the rest of the
               * configuration to be in the VCS.
               * <p>
               * In 1.28 and earlier, this field was stored in the project configuration
               * file, so even though this is marked as transient, don't move it around.
              protected transient volatile int nextBuildNumber = 1;
               * Newly copied jobs get this flag set, so that Hudson doesn't try to run the job until its configuration
               * is saved once.
              private transient volatile boolean holdOffBuildUntilSave;
               * {@link ItemListener}s can, and do, modify the job with a corresponding save which will clear
               * {@link #holdOffBuildUntilSave} prematurely. The {@link LastItemListener} is responsible for
               * clearing this flag as the last item listener.
              private transient volatile boolean holdOffBuildUntilUserSave;
              /** @deprecated Replaced by {@link BuildDiscarderProperty} */
              private volatile BuildDiscarder logRotator;
               * Not all plugins are good at calculating their health report quickly.
               * These fields are used to cache the health reports to speed up rendering
               * the main page.
              private transient Integer cachedBuildHealthReportsBuildNumber = null;
              private transient List<HealthReport> cachedBuildHealthReports = null;
              boolean keepDependencies;
               * List of properties configured for this project.
              // this should have been DescribableList but now it's too late
              protected CopyOnWriteList<JobProperty<? super JobT>> properties = new CopyOnWriteList<JobProperty<? super JobT>>();
              public transient RunIdMigrator runIdMigrator;
              protected Job(ItemGroup parent, String name) {
                  super(parent, name);
              public synchronized void save() throws IOException {
                  holdOffBuildUntilSave = holdOffBuildUntilUserSave;
              @Override public void onCreatedFromScratch() {
                  runIdMigrator = new RunIdMigrator();
              public void onLoad(ItemGroup<? extends Item> parent, String name)
                      throws IOException {
                  super.onLoad(parent, name);
                  File buildDir = getBuildDir();
                  runIdMigrator = new RunIdMigrator();
                  runIdMigrator.migrate(buildDir, Jenkins.getInstance().getRootDir());
                  this.nextBuildNumber = this.getNextBuildNumber();
                  if (properties == null) // didn't exist < 1.72
                      properties = new CopyOnWriteList<JobProperty<? super JobT>>();
                  for (JobProperty p : properties)
              public void onCopiedFrom(Item src) {
                  synchronized (this) {
                      this.nextBuildNumber = 1; // reset the next build number
                      this.holdOffBuildUntilUserSave = true;
                      this.holdOffBuildUntilSave = this.holdOffBuildUntilUserSave;
              @Extension(ordinal = -Double.MAX_VALUE)
              public static class LastItemListener extends ItemListener {
                  public void onCopied(Item src, Item item) {
                      // If any of the other ItemListeners modify the job, they effect
                      // a save, which will clear the holdOffBuildUntilUserSave and
                      // causing a regression of JENKINS-2494
                      if (item instanceof Job) {
                          Job job = (Job) item;
                          synchronized (job) {
                              job.holdOffBuildUntilUserSave = false;
              protected void performDelete() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                  // if a build is in progress. Cancel it.
                  RunT lb = getLastBuild();
                  if (lb != null) {
                      Executor e = lb.getExecutor();
                      if (e != null) {
                          // should we block until the build is cancelled?
              /*package*/ TextFile getNextBuildNumberFile() {
                  return new TextFile(new File(this.getRootDir(), "nextBuildNumber"));
              public synchronized boolean isHoldOffBuildUntilSave() {
                  return holdOffBuildUntilSave;
              protected synchronized void saveNextBuildNumber() throws IOException {
                  if (nextBuildNumber == 0) { // #3361
                      nextBuildNumber = 1;
                  getNextBuildNumberFile().write(String.valueOf(nextBuildNumber) + '\n');
              public boolean isInQueue() {
                  return false;
               * If this job is in the build queue, return its item.
              public Queue.Item getQueueItem() {
                  return null;
               * Returns true if a build of this project is in progress.
              public boolean isBuilding() {
                  RunT b = getLastBuild();
                  return b!=null && b.isBuilding();
               * Returns true if the log file is still being updated.
              public boolean isLogUpdated() {
                  RunT b = getLastBuild();
                  return b!=null && b.isLogUpdated();
              public String getPronoun() {
                  return AlternativeUiTextProvider.get(PRONOUN, this, Messages.Job_Pronoun());
               * Returns whether the name of this job can be changed by user.
              public boolean isNameEditable() {
                  return true;
               * If true, it will keep all the build logs of dependency components.
               * (This really only makes sense in {@link AbstractProject} but historically it was defined here.)
              public boolean isKeepDependencies() {
                  return keepDependencies;
               * Allocates a new buildCommand number.
              public synchronized int assignBuildNumber() throws IOException {
                  int r = this.getNextBuildNumber();
                  this.updateNextBuildNumber(r + 1);
                  return r;
              public int getBuildNumber()
              	return this.nextBuildNumber;
               * Peeks the next build number.
              public int getNextBuildNumber() {
              	int r = 1;
          	    		this.nextBuildNumber = 1;
          	    	r = Integer.parseInt(this.getNextBuildNumberFile().readTrim());
              	catch(IOException e)
              	return r; 
               * Builds up the environment variable map that's sufficient to identify a process
               * as ours. This is used to kill run-away processes via {@link ProcessTree#killAll(Map)}.
              public EnvVars getCharacteristicEnvVars() {
                  EnvVars env = new EnvVars();
                  env.put("HUDSON_SERVER_COOKIE",SERVER_COOKIE.get()); // Legacy compatibility
                  return env;
               * Creates an environment variable override for launching processes for this project.
               * <p>
               * This is for process launching outside the build execution (such as polling, tagging, deployment, etc.)
               * that happens in a context of a specific job.
               * @param node
               *      Node to eventually run a process on. The implementation must cope with this parameter being null
               *      (in which case none of the node specific properties would be reflected in the resulting override.)
              public @Nonnull EnvVars getEnvironment(@CheckForNull Node node, @Nonnull TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                  EnvVars env;
                  if (node!=null) {
                      final Computer computer = node.toComputer();
                      env = (computer != null) ? computer.buildEnvironment(listener) : new EnvVars();                
                  } else {
                      env = new EnvVars();
                  // servlet container may have set CLASSPATH in its launch script,
                  // so don't let that inherit to the new child process.
                  // see http://www.nabble.com/Run-Job-with-JDK-1.4.2-tf4468601.html
                  // apply them in a reverse order so that higher ordinal ones can modify values added by lower ordinal ones
                  for (EnvironmentContributor ec : EnvironmentContributor.all().reverseView())
                  return env;
               * Programatically updates the next build number.
               * <p>
               * Much of Hudson assumes that the build number is unique and monotonic, so
               * this method can only accept a new value that's bigger than
               * {@link #getLastBuild()} returns. Otherwise it'll be no-op.
               * @since 1.199 (before that, this method was package private.)
              public synchronized void updateNextBuildNumber(int next) throws IOException {
                  if(next > this.getNextBuildNumber())
                  	this.nextBuildNumber = next;
               * Returns the configured build discarder for this job, via {@link BuildDiscarderProperty}, or null if none.
              public synchronized BuildDiscarder getBuildDiscarder() {
                  BuildDiscarderProperty prop = _getProperty(BuildDiscarderProperty.class);
                  return prop != null ? prop.getStrategy() : /* settings compatibility */ logRotator;
              public synchronized void setBuildDiscarder(BuildDiscarder bd) throws IOException {
                  BulkChange bc = new BulkChange(this);
                  try {
                      if (bd != null) {
                          addProperty(new BuildDiscarderProperty(bd));
                  } finally {
               * Left for backward compatibility. Returns non-null if and only
               * if {@link LogRotator} is configured as {@link BuildDiscarder}.
               * @deprecated as of 1.503
               *      Use {@link #getBuildDiscarder()}.
              public LogRotator getLogRotator() {
                  BuildDiscarder buildDiscarder = getBuildDiscarder();
                  return buildDiscarder instanceof LogRotator ? (LogRotator) buildDiscarder : null;
               * @deprecated as of 1.503
               *      Use {@link #setBuildDiscarder(BuildDiscarder)}
              public void setLogRotator(LogRotator logRotator) throws IOException {
               * Perform log rotation.
              public void logRotate() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                  BuildDiscarder bd = getBuildDiscarder();
                  if (bd != null)
               * True if this instance supports log rotation configuration.
              public boolean supportsLogRotator() {
                  return true;
              protected SearchIndexBuilder makeSearchIndex() {
                  return super.makeSearchIndex().add(new SearchIndex() {
                      public void find(String token, List<SearchItem> result) {
                          try {
                              if (token.startsWith("#"))
                                  token = token.substring(1); // ignore leading '#'
                              int n = Integer.parseInt(token);
                              Run b = getBuildByNumber(n);
                              if (b == null)
                                  return; // no such build
                              result.add(SearchItems.create("#" + n, "" + n, b));
                          } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                              // not a number.
                      public void suggest(String token, List<SearchItem> result) {
                          find(token, result);
                  }).add("configure", "config", "configure");
              public Collection<? extends Job> getAllJobs() {
                  return Collections.<Job> singleton(this);
               * Adds {@link JobProperty}.
               * @since 1.188
              public void addProperty(JobProperty<? super JobT> jobProp) throws IOException {
               * Removes {@link JobProperty}
               * @since 1.279
              public void removeProperty(JobProperty<? super JobT> jobProp) throws IOException {
               * Removes the property of the given type.
               * @return
               *      The property that was just removed.
               * @since 1.279
              public <T extends JobProperty> T removeProperty(Class<T> clazz) throws IOException {
                  for (JobProperty<? super JobT> p : properties) {
                      if (clazz.isInstance(p)) {
                          return clazz.cast(p);
                  return null;
               * Gets all the job properties configured for this job.
              @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
              public Map<JobPropertyDescriptor, JobProperty<? super JobT>> getProperties() {
                  Map result = Descriptor.toMap((Iterable) properties);
                  if (logRotator != null) {
                      result.put(Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(BuildDiscarderProperty.DescriptorImpl.class), new BuildDiscarderProperty(logRotator));
                  return result;
               * List of all {@link JobProperty} exposed primarily for the remoting API.
               * @since 1.282
              public List<JobProperty<? super JobT>> getAllProperties() {
                  return properties.getView();
               * Gets the specific property, or null if the propert is not configured for
               * this job.
              public <T extends JobProperty> T getProperty(Class<T> clazz) {
                  if (clazz == BuildDiscarderProperty.class && logRotator != null) {
                      return clazz.cast(new BuildDiscarderProperty(logRotator));
                  return _getProperty(clazz);
              private <T extends JobProperty> T _getProperty(Class<T> clazz) {
                  for (JobProperty p : properties) {
                      if (clazz.isInstance(p))
                          return clazz.cast(p);
                  return null;
               * Bind {@link JobProperty}s to URL spaces.
               * @since 1.403
              public JobProperty getProperty(String className) {
                  for (JobProperty p : properties)
                      if (p.getClass().getName().equals(className))
                          return p;
                  return null;
               * Overrides from job properties.
               * @see JobProperty#getJobOverrides
              public Collection<?> getOverrides() {
                  List<Object> r = new ArrayList<Object>();
                  for (JobProperty<? super JobT> p : properties)
                  return r;
              public List<Widget> getWidgets() {
                  ArrayList<Widget> r = new ArrayList<Widget>();
                  return r;
               * @see LazyBuildMixIn#createHistoryWidget
              protected HistoryWidget createHistoryWidget() {
                  return new HistoryWidget<Job, RunT>(this, getBuilds(), HISTORY_ADAPTER);
              public static final HistoryWidget.Adapter<Run> HISTORY_ADAPTER = new Adapter<Run>() {
                  public int compare(Run record, String key) {
                      try {
                          int k = Integer.parseInt(key);
                          return record.getNumber() - k;
                      } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                          return String.valueOf(record.getNumber()).compareTo(key);
                  public String getKey(Run record) {
                      return String.valueOf(record.getNumber());
                  public boolean isBuilding(Run record) {
                      return record.isBuilding();
                  public String getNextKey(String key) {
                      try {
                          int k = Integer.parseInt(key);
                          return String.valueOf(k + 1);
                      } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                          return "-unable to determine next key-";
               * Renames a job.
              public void renameTo(String newName) throws IOException {
                  File oldBuildDir = getBuildDir();
                  File newBuildDir = getBuildDir();
                  if (oldBuildDir.isDirectory() && !newBuildDir.isDirectory()) {
                      if (!newBuildDir.getParentFile().isDirectory()) {
                      if (!oldBuildDir.renameTo(newBuildDir)) {
                          throw new IOException("failed to rename " + oldBuildDir + " to " + newBuildDir);
              public void movedTo(DirectlyModifiableTopLevelItemGroup destination, AbstractItem newItem, File destDir) throws IOException {
                  Job newJob = (Job) newItem; // Missing covariant parameters type here.
                  File oldBuildDir = getBuildDir();
                  super.movedTo(destination, newItem, destDir);
                  File newBuildDir = getBuildDir();
                  if (oldBuildDir.isDirectory()) {
                      FileUtils.moveDirectory(oldBuildDir, newBuildDir);
              @Override public void delete() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
               * Returns true if we should display "build now" icon
              public abstract boolean isBuildable();
               * Gets the read-only view of all the builds.
               * @return never null. The first entry is the latest build.
              public RunList<RunT> getBuilds() {
                  return RunList.fromRuns(_getRuns().values());
               * Gets the read-only view of the recent builds.
               * @since 1.485
              public RunList<RunT> getNewBuilds() {
                  return getBuilds().limit(100);
               * Obtains all the {@link Run}s whose build numbers matches the given {@link RangeSet}.
              public synchronized List<RunT> getBuilds(RangeSet rs) {
                  List<RunT> builds = new LinkedList<RunT>();
                  for (Range r : rs.getRanges()) {
                      for (RunT b = getNearestBuild(r.start); b!=null && b.getNumber()<r.end; b=b.getNextBuild()) {
                  return builds;
               * Gets all the builds in a map.
              public SortedMap<Integer, RunT> getBuildsAsMap() {
                  return Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(_getRuns());
               * Looks up a build by its ID.
               * @see LazyBuildMixIn#getBuild
              public RunT getBuild(String id) {
                  for (RunT r : _getRuns().values()) {
                      if (r.getId().equals(id))
                          return r;
                  return null;
               * @param n
               *            The build number.
               * @return null if no such build exists.
               * @see Run#getNumber()
               * @see LazyBuildMixIn#getBuildByNumber
              public RunT getBuildByNumber(int n) {
                  return _getRuns().get(n);
               * Obtains a list of builds, in the descending order, that are within the specified time range [start,end).
               * @return can be empty but never null.
               * @deprecated
               *      as of 1.372. Should just do {@code getBuilds().byTimestamp(s,e)} to avoid code bloat in {@link Job}.
              public RunList<RunT> getBuildsByTimestamp(long start, long end) {
                  return getBuilds().byTimestamp(start,end);
              public RunT getBuildForCLI(@Argument(required=true,metaVar="BUILD#",usage="Build number") String id) throws CmdLineException {
                  try {
                      int n = Integer.parseInt(id);
                      RunT r = getBuildByNumber(n);
                      if (r==null)
                          throw new CmdLineException(null, "No such build '#"+n+"' exists");
                      return r;
                  } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                      throw new CmdLineException(null, id+ "is not a number");
               * Gets the youngest build #m that satisfies <tt>n&lt;=m</tt>.
               * This is useful when you'd like to fetch a build but the exact build might
               * be already gone (deleted, rotated, etc.)
               * @see LazyBuildMixIn#getNearestBuild
              public RunT getNearestBuild(int n) {
                  SortedMap<Integer, ? extends RunT> m = _getRuns().headMap(n - 1); // the map should
                                                                                    // include n, so n-1
                  if (m.isEmpty())
                      return null;
                  return m.get(m.lastKey());
               * Gets the latest build #m that satisfies <tt>m&lt;=n</tt>.
               * This is useful when you'd like to fetch a build but the exact build might
               * be already gone (deleted, rotated, etc.)
               * @see LazyBuildMixIn#getNearestOldBuild
              public RunT getNearestOldBuild(int n) {
                  SortedMap<Integer, ? extends RunT> m = _getRuns().tailMap(n);
                  if (m.isEmpty())
                      return null;
                  return m.get(m.firstKey());
              public Object getDynamic(String token, StaplerRequest req,
                      StaplerResponse rsp) {
                  try {
                      // try to interpret the token as build number
                      return getBuildByNumber(Integer.valueOf(token));
                  } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                      // try to map that to widgets
                      for (Widget w : getWidgets()) {
                          if (w.getUrlName().equals(token))
                              return w;
                      // is this a permalink?
                      for (Permalink p : getPermalinks()) {
                              return p.resolve(this);
                      return super.getDynamic(token, req, rsp);
               * Directory for storing {@link Run} records.
               * <p>
               * Some {@link Job}s may not have backing data store for {@link Run}s, but
               * those {@link Job}s that use file system for storing data should use this
               * directory for consistency.
               * @see RunMap
              public File getBuildDir() {
                  Jenkins j = Jenkins.getInstance();
                  if (j == null) {
                      return new File(getRootDir(), "builds");
                  return j.getBuildDirFor(this);
               * Gets all the runs.
               * The resulting map must be treated immutable (by employing copy-on-write
               * semantics.) The map is descending order, with newest builds at the top.
               * @see LazyBuildMixIn#_getRuns
              protected abstract SortedMap<Integer, ? extends RunT> _getRuns();
               * Called from {@link Run} to remove it from this job.
               * The files are deleted already. So all the callee needs to do is to remove
               * a reference from this {@link Job}.
               * @see LazyBuildMixIn#removeRun
              protected abstract void removeRun(RunT run);
               * Returns the last build.
               * @see LazyBuildMixIn#getLastBuild
              public RunT getLastBuild() {
                  SortedMap<Integer, ? extends RunT> runs = _getRuns();
                  if (runs.isEmpty())
                      return null;
                  return runs.get(runs.firstKey());
               * Returns the oldest build in the record.
               * @see LazyBuildMixIn#getFirstBuild
              public RunT getFirstBuild() {
                  SortedMap<Integer, ? extends RunT> runs = _getRuns();
                  if (runs.isEmpty())
                      return null;
                  return runs.get(runs.lastKey());
               * Returns the last successful build, if any. Otherwise null. A successful build
               * would include either {@link Result#SUCCESS} or {@link Result#UNSTABLE}.
               * @see #getLastStableBuild()
              public RunT getLastSuccessfulBuild() {
                  return (RunT)Permalink.LAST_SUCCESSFUL_BUILD.resolve(this);
               * Returns the last build that was anything but stable, if any. Otherwise null.
               * @see #getLastSuccessfulBuild
              public RunT getLastUnsuccessfulBuild() {
                  return (RunT)Permalink.LAST_UNSUCCESSFUL_BUILD.resolve(this);
               * Returns the last unstable build, if any. Otherwise null.
               * @see #getLastSuccessfulBuild
              public RunT getLastUnstableBuild() {
                  return (RunT)Permalink.LAST_UNSTABLE_BUILD.resolve(this);
               * Returns the last stable build, if any. Otherwise null.
               * @see #getLastSuccessfulBuild
              public RunT getLastStableBuild() {
                  return (RunT)Permalink.LAST_STABLE_BUILD.resolve(this);
               * Returns the last failed build, if any. Otherwise null.
              public RunT getLastFailedBuild() {
                  return (RunT)Permalink.LAST_FAILED_BUILD.resolve(this);
               * Returns the last completed build, if any. Otherwise null.
              public RunT getLastCompletedBuild() {
                  RunT r = getLastBuild();
                  while (r != null && r.isBuilding())
                      r = r.getPreviousBuild();
                  return r;
               * Returns the last 'numberOfBuilds' builds with a build result >= 'threshold'
               * @return a list with the builds. May be smaller than 'numberOfBuilds' or even empty
               *   if not enough builds satisfying the threshold have been found. Never null.
              public List<RunT> getLastBuildsOverThreshold(int numberOfBuilds, Result threshold) {
                  List<RunT> result = new ArrayList<RunT>(numberOfBuilds);
                  RunT r = getLastBuild();
                  while (r != null && result.size() < numberOfBuilds) {
                      if (!r.isBuilding() && 
                           (r.getResult() != null && r.getResult().isBetterOrEqualTo(threshold))) {
                      r = r.getPreviousBuild();
                  return result;
               * Returns candidate build for calculating the estimated duration of the current run.
               * Returns the 3 last successful (stable or unstable) builds, if there are any.
               * Failing to find 3 of those, it will return up to 3 last unsuccessful builds.
               * In any case it will not go more than 6 builds into the past to avoid costly build loading.
              protected List<RunT> getEstimatedDurationCandidates() {
                  List<RunT> candidates = new ArrayList<RunT>(3);
                  RunT lastSuccessful = getLastSuccessfulBuild();
                  int lastSuccessfulNumber = -1;
                  if (lastSuccessful != null) {
                      lastSuccessfulNumber = lastSuccessful.getNumber();
                  int i = 0;
                  RunT r = getLastBuild();
                  List<RunT> fallbackCandidates = new ArrayList<RunT>(3);
                  while (r != null && candidates.size() < 3 && i < 6) {
                      if (!r.isBuilding() && r.getResult() != null && r.getNumber() != lastSuccessfulNumber) {
                          Result result = r.getResult();
                          if (result.isBetterOrEqualTo(Result.UNSTABLE)) {
                          } else if (result.isCompleteBuild()) {
                      r = r.getPreviousBuild();
                  while (candidates.size() < 3) {
                      if (fallbackCandidates.isEmpty())
                      RunT run = fallbackCandidates.remove(0);
                  return candidates;
              public long getEstimatedDuration() {
                  List<RunT> builds = getEstimatedDurationCandidates();
                  if(builds.isEmpty())     return -1;
                  long totalDuration = 0;
                  for (RunT b : builds) {
                      totalDuration += b.getDuration();
                  if(totalDuration==0) return -1;
                  return Math.round((double)totalDuration / builds.size());
               * Gets all the {@link Permalink}s defined for this job.
               * @return never null
              public PermalinkList getPermalinks() {
                  // TODO: shall we cache this?
                  PermalinkList permalinks = new PermalinkList(Permalink.BUILTIN);
                  for (PermalinkProjectAction ppa : getActions(PermalinkProjectAction.class)) {
                  return permalinks;
              @Override public ContextMenu doChildrenContextMenu(StaplerRequest request, StaplerResponse response) throws Exception {
                  // not sure what would be really useful here. This needs more thoughts.
                  // for the time being, I'm starting with permalinks
                  ContextMenu menu = new ContextMenu();
                  for (Permalink p : getPermalinks()) {
                      if (p.resolve(this) != null) {
                          menu.add(p.getId(), p.getDisplayName());
                  return menu;
               * Used as the color of the status ball for the project.
              @Exported(visibility = 2, name = "color")
              public BallColor getIconColor() {
                  RunT lastBuild = getLastBuild();
                  while (lastBuild != null && lastBuild.hasntStartedYet())
                      lastBuild = lastBuild.getPreviousBuild();
                  if (lastBuild != null)
                      return lastBuild.getIconColor();
                      return BallColor.NOTBUILT;
               * Get the current health report for a job.
               * @return the health report. Never returns null
              public HealthReport getBuildHealth() {
                  List<HealthReport> reports = getBuildHealthReports();
                  return reports.isEmpty() ? new HealthReport() : reports.get(0);
              @Exported(name = "healthReport")
              public List<HealthReport> getBuildHealthReports() {
                  List<HealthReport> reports = new ArrayList<HealthReport>();
                  RunT lastBuild = getLastBuild();
                  if (lastBuild != null && lastBuild.isBuilding()) {
                      // show the previous build's report until the current one is
                      // finished building.
                      lastBuild = lastBuild.getPreviousBuild();
                  // check the cache
                  if (cachedBuildHealthReportsBuildNumber != null
                          && cachedBuildHealthReports != null
                          && lastBuild != null
                          && cachedBuildHealthReportsBuildNumber.intValue() == lastBuild
                                  .getNumber()) {
                  } else if (lastBuild != null) {
                      for (HealthReportingAction healthReportingAction : lastBuild
                              .getActions(HealthReportingAction.class)) {
                          final HealthReport report = healthReportingAction
                          if (report != null) {
                              if (report.isAggregateReport()) {
                              } else {
                      final HealthReport report = getBuildStabilityHealthReport();
                      if (report != null) {
                          if (report.isAggregateReport()) {
                          } else {
                      // store the cache
                      cachedBuildHealthReportsBuildNumber = lastBuild.getNumber();
                      cachedBuildHealthReports = new ArrayList<HealthReport>(reports);
                  return reports;
              private HealthReport getBuildStabilityHealthReport() {
                  // we can give a simple view of build health from the last five builds
                  int failCount = 0;
                  int totalCount = 0;
                  RunT i = getLastBuild();
                  while (totalCount < 5 && i != null) {
                      switch (i.getIconColor()) {
                      case BLUE:
                      case YELLOW:
                          // failCount stays the same
                      case RED:
                          // do nothing as these are inconclusive statuses
                      i = i.getPreviousBuild();
                  if (totalCount > 0) {
                      int score = (int) ((100.0 * (totalCount - failCount)) / totalCount);
                      Localizable description;
                      if (failCount == 0) {
                          description = Messages._Job_NoRecentBuildFailed();
                      } else if (totalCount == failCount) {
                          // this should catch the case where totalCount == 1
                          // as failCount must be between 0 and totalCount
                          // and we can't get here if failCount == 0
                          description = Messages._Job_AllRecentBuildFailed();
                      } else {
                          description = Messages._Job_NOfMFailed(failCount, totalCount);
                      return new HealthReport(score, Messages._Job_BuildStability(description));
                  return null;
              // actions
               * Accepts submission from the configuration page.
              public synchronized void doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest req,
                      StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException, FormException {
                  description = req.getParameter("description");
                  JSONObject json = req.getSubmittedForm();
                  try {
                      logRotator = null;
                      DescribableList<JobProperty<?>, JobPropertyDescriptor> t = new DescribableList<JobProperty<?>, JobPropertyDescriptor>(NOOP,getAllProperties());
                      JSONObject jsonProperties = json.optJSONObject("properties");
                      if (jsonProperties != null) {
                      } else {
                      for (JobProperty p : t) {
                      submit(req, rsp);
                      String newName = req.getParameter("name");
                      final ProjectNamingStrategy namingStrategy = Jenkins.getInstance().getProjectNamingStrategy();
                      if (validRename(name, newName)) {
                          newName = newName.trim();
                          // check this error early to avoid HTTP response splitting.
                          if (FormApply.isApply(req)) {
                              FormApply.applyResponse("notificationBar.show(" + QuotedStringTokenizer.quote(Messages.Job_you_must_use_the_save_button_if_you_wish()) + ",notificationBar.WARNING)").generateResponse(req, rsp, null);
                          } else {
                              rsp.sendRedirect("rename?newName=" + URLEncoder.encode(newName, "UTF-8"));
                      } else {
                          FormApply.success(".").generateResponse(req, rsp, null);
                  } catch (JSONException e) {
                      Logger.getLogger(Job.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "failed to parse " + json, e);
                      sendError(e, req, rsp);
              private boolean validRename(String oldName, String newName) {
                  if (newName == null) {
                      return false;
                  boolean noChange = oldName.equals(newName);
                  boolean spaceAdded = oldName.equals(newName.trim());
                  return !noChange && !spaceAdded;
               * Derived class can override this to perform additional config submission
               * work.
              protected void submit(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp)
                      throws IOException, ServletException, FormException {
               * Accepts and serves the job description
              public void doDescription(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp)
                      throws IOException {
                  if (req.getMethod().equals("GET")) {
                  if (req.getMethod().equals("POST")) {
                      // submission
                      if (req.getParameter("description") != null) {
                  // huh?
               * Returns the image that shows the current buildCommand status.
              public void doBuildStatus(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp)
                      throws IOException {
                  rsp.sendRedirect2(req.getContextPath() + "/images/48x48/" + getBuildStatusUrl());
              public String getBuildStatusUrl() {
                  return getIconColor().getImage();
              public String getBuildStatusIconClassName() {
                  return getIconColor().getIconClassName();
              public Graph getBuildTimeGraph() {
                  return new Graph(getLastBuildTime(),500,400) {
                      protected JFreeChart createGraph() {
                          class ChartLabel implements Comparable<ChartLabel> {
                              final Run run;
                              public ChartLabel(Run r) {
                                  this.run = r;
                              public int compareTo(ChartLabel that) {
                                  return this.run.number - that.run.number;
                              public boolean equals(Object o) {
                                  // HUDSON-2682 workaround for Eclipse compilation bug
                                  // on (c instanceof ChartLabel)
                                  if (o == null || !ChartLabel.class.isAssignableFrom( o.getClass() ))  {
                                      return false;
                                  ChartLabel that = (ChartLabel) o;
                                  return run == that.run;
                              public Color getColor() {
                                  // TODO: consider gradation. See
                                  // http://www.javadrive.jp/java2d/shape/index9.html
                                  Result r = run.getResult();
                                  if (r == Result.FAILURE)
                                      return ColorPalette.RED;
                                  else if (r == Result.UNSTABLE)
                                      return ColorPalette.YELLOW;
                                  else if (r == Result.ABORTED || r == Result.NOT_BUILT)
                                      return ColorPalette.GREY;
                                      return ColorPalette.BLUE;
                              public int hashCode() {
                                  return run.hashCode();
                              public String toString() {
                                  String l = run.getDisplayName();
                                  if (run instanceof Build) {
                                      String s = ((Build) run).getBuiltOnStr();
                                      if (s != null)
                                          l += ' ' + s;
                                  return l;
                          DataSetBuilder<String, ChartLabel> data = new DataSetBuilder<String, ChartLabel>();
                          for (Run r : getNewBuilds()) {
                              if (r.isBuilding())
                              data.add(((double) r.getDuration()) / (1000 * 60), "min",
                                      new ChartLabel(r));
                          final CategoryDataset dataset = data.build();
                          final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createStackedAreaChart(null, // chart
                                                                                              // title
                                  null, // unused
                                  Messages.Job_minutes(), // range axis label
                                  dataset, // data
                                  PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, // orientation
                                  false, // include legend
                                  true, // tooltips
                                  false // urls
                          final CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot();
                          // plot.setAxisOffset(new Spacer(Spacer.ABSOLUTE, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0));
                          // plot.setDomainGridlinesVisible(true);
                          // plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(Color.white);
                          CategoryAxis domainAxis = new ShiftedCategoryAxis(null);
                          final NumberAxis rangeAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getRangeAxis();
                          ChartUtil.adjustChebyshev(dataset, rangeAxis);
                          StackedAreaRenderer ar = new StackedAreaRenderer2() {
                              public Paint getItemPaint(int row, int column) {
                                  ChartLabel key = (ChartLabel) dataset.getColumnKey(column);
                                  return key.getColor();
                              public String generateURL(CategoryDataset dataset, int row,
                                      int column) {
                                  ChartLabel label = (ChartLabel) dataset.getColumnKey(column);
                                  return String.valueOf(label.run.number);
                              public String generateToolTip(CategoryDataset dataset, int row,
                                      int column) {
                                  ChartLabel label = (ChartLabel) dataset.getColumnKey(column);
                                  return label.run.getDisplayName() + " : "
                                          + label.run.getDurationString();
                          // crop extra space around the graph
                          plot.setInsets(new RectangleInsets(0, 0, 0, 5.0));
                          return chart;
              private Calendar getLastBuildTime() {
                  final RunT lastBuild = getLastBuild();
                  if (lastBuild ==null) {
                      final GregorianCalendar neverBuiltCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
                      return neverBuiltCalendar;
                  return lastBuild.getTimestamp();
               * Renames this job.
              public/* not synchronized. see renameTo() */void doDoRename(
                      StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException,
                      ServletException {
                  if (!hasPermission(CONFIGURE)) {
                      // rename is essentially delete followed by a create
                  String newName = req.getParameter("newName");
                  if (isBuilding()) {
                      // redirect to page explaining that we can't rename now
                      rsp.sendRedirect("rename?newName=" + URLEncoder.encode(newName, "UTF-8"));
                  // send to the new job page
                  // note we can't use getUrl() because that would pick up old name in the
                  // Ancestor.getUrl()
                  rsp.sendRedirect2("../" + newName);
              public void doRssAll(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp)
                      throws IOException, ServletException {
                  rss(req, rsp, " all builds", getBuilds());
              public void doRssFailed(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp)
                      throws IOException, ServletException {
                  rss(req, rsp, " failed builds", getBuilds().failureOnly());
              private void rss(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, String suffix,
                      RunList runs) throws IOException, ServletException {
                  RSS.forwardToRss(getDisplayName() + suffix, getUrl(), runs.newBuilds(),
                          Run.FEED_ADAPTER, req, rsp);
               * Returns the {@link ACL} for this object.
               * We need to override the identical method in AbstractItem because we won't
               * call getACL(Job) otherwise (single dispatch)
              public ACL getACL() {
                  return Jenkins.getInstance().getAuthorizationStrategy().getACL(this);
              public BuildTimelineWidget getTimeline() {
                  return new BuildTimelineWidget(getBuilds());
              private final static HexStringConfidentialKey SERVER_COOKIE = new HexStringConfidentialKey(Job.class,"serverCookie",16);

          Jeff Miller added a comment - If "Reload Configuration from disk" isn't going to be fully supported then it should be removed entirely. I've worked around this issue by downloading the code and modifying the java.hudson.model.Job.java class to force it to read from the file "nextBuildNumber" every time it needs nextBuildNumber. However this has the side effect of builds that enter the Pending Build Queue while a reload is occurring, will not show up in the build history until another "Reload configuration from disk" is performed. Some legacy support maybe needed to added back in on the onLoad() method. /* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Martin Eigenbrodt, Matthew R. Harrah, Red Hat, Inc., Stephen Connolly, Tom Huybrechts, CloudBees, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software" ), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package hudson.model; import com.google.common.base.Function; import com.google.common.collect.Collections2; import com.infradna.tool.bridge_method_injector.WithBridgeMethods; import hudson.BulkChange; import hudson.EnvVars; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.ExtensionPoint; import hudson.PermalinkList; import hudson.Util; import hudson.cli.declarative.CLIResolver; import hudson.model.Descriptor.FormException; import hudson.model.Fingerprint.Range; import hudson.model.Fingerprint.RangeSet; import hudson.model.PermalinkProjectAction.Permalink; import hudson.model.listeners.ItemListener; import hudson.search.QuickSilver; import hudson.search.SearchIndex; import hudson.search.SearchIndexBuilder; import hudson.search.SearchItem; import hudson.search.SearchItems; import hudson.security.ACL; import hudson.tasks.LogRotator; import hudson.util.AlternativeUiTextProvider; import hudson.util.ChartUtil; import hudson.util.ColorPalette; import hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList; import hudson.util.DataSetBuilder; import hudson.util.DescribableList; import hudson.util.FormApply; import hudson.util.Graph; import hudson.util.ProcessTree; import hudson.util.QuotedStringTokenizer; import hudson.util.RunList; import hudson.util.ShiftedCategoryAxis; import hudson.util.StackedAreaRenderer2; import hudson.util.TextFile; import hudson.widgets.HistoryWidget; import hudson.widgets.HistoryWidget.Adapter; import hudson.widgets.Widget; import jenkins.model.BuildDiscarder; import jenkins.model.DirectlyModifiableTopLevelItemGroup; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy; import jenkins.security.HexStringConfidentialKey; import jenkins.util.io.OnMaster; import net.sf.json.JSONException; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryLabelPositions; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.StackedAreaRenderer; import org.jfree.data.category.CategoryDataset; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleInsets; import org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Argument; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerOverridable; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.Exported; import org.kohsuke.stapler.interceptor.RequirePOST; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.*; import jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderProperty; import jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithChildren; import jenkins.model.RunIdMigrator; import jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn; import org.kohsuke.accmod.Restricted; import org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse; /** * A job is an runnable entity under the monitoring of Hudson. * * <p> * Every time it "runs" , it will be recorded as a {@link Run} object. * * <p> * To create a custom job type, extend {@link TopLevelItemDescriptor} and put {@link Extension} on it. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public abstract class Job<JobT extends Job<JobT, RunT>, RunT extends Run<JobT, RunT>> extends AbstractItem implements ExtensionPoint, StaplerOverridable, ModelObjectWithChildren, OnMaster { /** * Next build number. Kept in a separate file because this is the only * information that gets updated often. This allows the rest of the * configuration to be in the VCS. * <p> * In 1.28 and earlier, this field was stored in the project configuration * file, so even though this is marked as transient , don't move it around. */ protected transient volatile int nextBuildNumber = 1; /** * Newly copied jobs get this flag set, so that Hudson doesn't try to run the job until its configuration * is saved once. */ private transient volatile boolean holdOffBuildUntilSave; /** * {@link ItemListener}s can, and do , modify the job with a corresponding save which will clear * {@link #holdOffBuildUntilSave} prematurely. The {@link LastItemListener} is responsible for * clearing this flag as the last item listener. */ private transient volatile boolean holdOffBuildUntilUserSave; /** @deprecated Replaced by {@link BuildDiscarderProperty} */ private volatile BuildDiscarder logRotator; /** * Not all plugins are good at calculating their health report quickly. * These fields are used to cache the health reports to speed up rendering * the main page. */ private transient Integer cachedBuildHealthReportsBuildNumber = null ; private transient List<HealthReport> cachedBuildHealthReports = null ; boolean keepDependencies; /** * List of properties configured for this project. */ // this should have been DescribableList but now it's too late protected CopyOnWriteList<JobProperty<? super JobT>> properties = new CopyOnWriteList<JobProperty<? super JobT>>(); @Restricted(NoExternalUse.class) public transient RunIdMigrator runIdMigrator; protected Job(ItemGroup parent, String name) { super (parent, name); } @Override public synchronized void save() throws IOException { super .save(); holdOffBuildUntilSave = holdOffBuildUntilUserSave; } @Override public void onCreatedFromScratch() { super .onCreatedFromScratch(); runIdMigrator = new RunIdMigrator(); runIdMigrator.created(getBuildDir()); } @Override public void onLoad(ItemGroup<? extends Item> parent, String name) throws IOException { super .onLoad(parent, name); File buildDir = getBuildDir(); runIdMigrator = new RunIdMigrator(); runIdMigrator.migrate(buildDir, Jenkins.getInstance().getRootDir()); this .nextBuildNumber = this .getNextBuildNumber(); if (properties == null ) // didn't exist < 1.72 properties = new CopyOnWriteList<JobProperty<? super JobT>>(); for (JobProperty p : properties) p.setOwner( this ); } @Override public void onCopiedFrom(Item src) { super .onCopiedFrom(src); synchronized ( this ) { this .nextBuildNumber = 1; // reset the next build number this .holdOffBuildUntilUserSave = true ; this .holdOffBuildUntilSave = this .holdOffBuildUntilUserSave; } } @Extension(ordinal = - Double .MAX_VALUE) public static class LastItemListener extends ItemListener { @Override public void onCopied(Item src, Item item) { // If any of the other ItemListeners modify the job, they effect // a save, which will clear the holdOffBuildUntilUserSave and // causing a regression of JENKINS-2494 if (item instanceof Job) { Job job = (Job) item; synchronized (job) { job.holdOffBuildUntilUserSave = false ; } } } } @Override protected void performDelete() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // if a build is in progress. Cancel it. RunT lb = getLastBuild(); if (lb != null ) { Executor e = lb.getExecutor(); if (e != null ) { e.interrupt(); // should we block until the build is cancelled? } } super .performDelete(); } /* package */ TextFile getNextBuildNumberFile() { return new TextFile( new File( this .getRootDir(), "nextBuildNumber" )); } public synchronized boolean isHoldOffBuildUntilSave() { return holdOffBuildUntilSave; } protected synchronized void saveNextBuildNumber() throws IOException { if (nextBuildNumber == 0) { // #3361 nextBuildNumber = 1; } getNextBuildNumberFile().write( String .valueOf(nextBuildNumber) + '\n' ); } @Exported public boolean isInQueue() { return false ; } /** * If this job is in the build queue, return its item. */ @Exported public Queue.Item getQueueItem() { return null ; } /** * Returns true if a build of this project is in progress. */ public boolean isBuilding() { RunT b = getLastBuild(); return b!= null && b.isBuilding(); } /** * Returns true if the log file is still being updated. */ public boolean isLogUpdated() { RunT b = getLastBuild(); return b!= null && b.isLogUpdated(); } @Override public String getPronoun() { return AlternativeUiTextProvider.get(PRONOUN, this , Messages.Job_Pronoun()); } /** * Returns whether the name of this job can be changed by user. */ public boolean isNameEditable() { return true ; } /** * If true , it will keep all the build logs of dependency components. * (This really only makes sense in {@link AbstractProject} but historically it was defined here.) */ @Exported public boolean isKeepDependencies() { return keepDependencies; } /** * Allocates a new buildCommand number. */ public synchronized int assignBuildNumber() throws IOException { int r = this .getNextBuildNumber(); this .updateNextBuildNumber(r + 1); return r; } @Exported public int getBuildNumber() { return this .nextBuildNumber; } /** * Peeks the next build number. */ @Exported public int getNextBuildNumber() { int r = 1; try { if (! this .getNextBuildNumberFile().exists()) { this .nextBuildNumber = 1; this .saveNextBuildNumber(); } r = Integer .parseInt( this .getNextBuildNumberFile().readTrim()); } catch (IOException e) { } return r; } /** * Builds up the environment variable map that's sufficient to identify a process * as ours. This is used to kill run-away processes via {@link ProcessTree#killAll(Map)}. */ public EnvVars getCharacteristicEnvVars() { EnvVars env = new EnvVars(); env.put( "JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE" ,SERVER_COOKIE.get()); env.put( "HUDSON_SERVER_COOKIE" ,SERVER_COOKIE.get()); // Legacy compatibility env.put( "JOB_NAME" ,getFullName()); return env; } /** * Creates an environment variable override for launching processes for this project. * * <p> * This is for process launching outside the build execution (such as polling, tagging, deployment, etc.) * that happens in a context of a specific job. * * @param node * Node to eventually run a process on. The implementation must cope with this parameter being null * (in which case none of the node specific properties would be reflected in the resulting override.) */ public @Nonnull EnvVars getEnvironment(@CheckForNull Node node, @Nonnull TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { EnvVars env; if (node!= null ) { final Computer computer = node.toComputer(); env = (computer != null ) ? computer.buildEnvironment(listener) : new EnvVars(); } else { env = new EnvVars(); } env.putAll(getCharacteristicEnvVars()); // servlet container may have set CLASSPATH in its launch script, // so don't let that inherit to the new child process. // see http://www.nabble.com/Run-Job-with-JDK-1.4.2-tf4468601.html env.put( "CLASSPATH" ,""); // apply them in a reverse order so that higher ordinal ones can modify values added by lower ordinal ones for (EnvironmentContributor ec : EnvironmentContributor.all().reverseView()) ec.buildEnvironmentFor( this ,env,listener); return env; } /** * Programatically updates the next build number. * * <p> * Much of Hudson assumes that the build number is unique and monotonic, so * this method can only accept a new value that's bigger than * {@link #getLastBuild()} returns. Otherwise it'll be no-op. * * @since 1.199 (before that, this method was package private .) */ public synchronized void updateNextBuildNumber( int next) throws IOException { if (next > this .getNextBuildNumber()) { this .nextBuildNumber = next; saveNextBuildNumber(); } } /** * Returns the configured build discarder for this job, via {@link BuildDiscarderProperty}, or null if none. */ public synchronized BuildDiscarder getBuildDiscarder() { BuildDiscarderProperty prop = _getProperty(BuildDiscarderProperty.class); return prop != null ? prop.getStrategy() : /* settings compatibility */ logRotator; } public synchronized void setBuildDiscarder(BuildDiscarder bd) throws IOException { BulkChange bc = new BulkChange( this ); try { removeProperty(BuildDiscarderProperty.class); if (bd != null ) { addProperty( new BuildDiscarderProperty(bd)); } bc.commit(); } finally { bc.abort(); } } /** * Left for backward compatibility. Returns non- null if and only * if {@link LogRotator} is configured as {@link BuildDiscarder}. * * @deprecated as of 1.503 * Use {@link #getBuildDiscarder()}. */ @Deprecated public LogRotator getLogRotator() { BuildDiscarder buildDiscarder = getBuildDiscarder(); return buildDiscarder instanceof LogRotator ? (LogRotator) buildDiscarder : null ; } /** * @deprecated as of 1.503 * Use {@link #setBuildDiscarder(BuildDiscarder)} */ @Deprecated public void setLogRotator(LogRotator logRotator) throws IOException { setBuildDiscarder(logRotator); } /** * Perform log rotation. */ public void logRotate() throws IOException, InterruptedException { BuildDiscarder bd = getBuildDiscarder(); if (bd != null ) bd.perform( this ); } /** * True if this instance supports log rotation configuration. */ public boolean supportsLogRotator() { return true ; } @Override protected SearchIndexBuilder makeSearchIndex() { return super .makeSearchIndex().add( new SearchIndex() { public void find( String token, List<SearchItem> result) { try { if (token.startsWith( "#" )) token = token.substring(1); // ignore leading '#' int n = Integer .parseInt(token); Run b = getBuildByNumber(n); if (b == null ) return ; // no such build result.add(SearchItems.create( "#" + n, "" + n, b)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // not a number. } } public void suggest( String token, List<SearchItem> result) { find(token, result); } }).add( "configure" , "config" , "configure" ); } public Collection<? extends Job> getAllJobs() { return Collections.<Job> singleton( this ); } /** * Adds {@link JobProperty}. * * @since 1.188 */ public void addProperty(JobProperty<? super JobT> jobProp) throws IOException { ((JobProperty)jobProp).setOwner( this ); properties.add(jobProp); save(); } /** * Removes {@link JobProperty} * * @since 1.279 */ public void removeProperty(JobProperty<? super JobT> jobProp) throws IOException { properties.remove(jobProp); save(); } /** * Removes the property of the given type. * * @ return * The property that was just removed. * @since 1.279 */ public <T extends JobProperty> T removeProperty( Class <T> clazz) throws IOException { for (JobProperty<? super JobT> p : properties) { if (clazz.isInstance(p)) { removeProperty(p); return clazz. cast (p); } } return null ; } /** * Gets all the job properties configured for this job. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" , "rawtypes" }) public Map<JobPropertyDescriptor, JobProperty<? super JobT>> getProperties() { Map result = Descriptor.toMap((Iterable) properties); if (logRotator != null ) { result.put(Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(BuildDiscarderProperty.DescriptorImpl.class), new BuildDiscarderProperty(logRotator)); } return result; } /** * List of all {@link JobProperty} exposed primarily for the remoting API. * @since 1.282 */ @Exported(name= "property" ,inline= true ) public List<JobProperty<? super JobT>> getAllProperties() { return properties.getView(); } /** * Gets the specific property, or null if the propert is not configured for * this job. */ public <T extends JobProperty> T getProperty( Class <T> clazz) { if (clazz == BuildDiscarderProperty.class && logRotator != null ) { return clazz. cast ( new BuildDiscarderProperty(logRotator)); } return _getProperty(clazz); } private <T extends JobProperty> T _getProperty( Class <T> clazz) { for (JobProperty p : properties) { if (clazz.isInstance(p)) return clazz. cast (p); } return null ; } /** * Bind {@link JobProperty}s to URL spaces. * * @since 1.403 */ public JobProperty getProperty( String className) { for (JobProperty p : properties) if (p.getClass().getName().equals(className)) return p; return null ; } /** * Overrides from job properties. * @see JobProperty#getJobOverrides */ public Collection<?> getOverrides() { List< Object > r = new ArrayList< Object >(); for (JobProperty<? super JobT> p : properties) r.addAll(p.getJobOverrides()); return r; } public List<Widget> getWidgets() { ArrayList<Widget> r = new ArrayList<Widget>(); r.add(createHistoryWidget()); return r; } /** * @see LazyBuildMixIn#createHistoryWidget */ protected HistoryWidget createHistoryWidget() { return new HistoryWidget<Job, RunT>( this , getBuilds(), HISTORY_ADAPTER); } public static final HistoryWidget.Adapter<Run> HISTORY_ADAPTER = new Adapter<Run>() { public int compare(Run record, String key) { try { int k = Integer .parseInt(key); return record.getNumber() - k; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return String .valueOf(record.getNumber()).compareTo(key); } } public String getKey(Run record) { return String .valueOf(record.getNumber()); } public boolean isBuilding(Run record) { return record.isBuilding(); } public String getNextKey( String key) { try { int k = Integer .parseInt(key); return String .valueOf(k + 1); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return "-unable to determine next key-" ; } } }; /** * Renames a job. */ @Override public void renameTo( String newName) throws IOException { File oldBuildDir = getBuildDir(); super .renameTo(newName); File newBuildDir = getBuildDir(); if (oldBuildDir.isDirectory() && !newBuildDir.isDirectory()) { if (!newBuildDir.getParentFile().isDirectory()) { newBuildDir.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } if (!oldBuildDir.renameTo(newBuildDir)) { throw new IOException( "failed to rename " + oldBuildDir + " to " + newBuildDir); } } } @Override public void movedTo(DirectlyModifiableTopLevelItemGroup destination, AbstractItem newItem, File destDir) throws IOException { Job newJob = (Job) newItem; // Missing covariant parameters type here. File oldBuildDir = getBuildDir(); super .movedTo(destination, newItem, destDir); File newBuildDir = getBuildDir(); if (oldBuildDir.isDirectory()) { FileUtils.moveDirectory(oldBuildDir, newBuildDir); } } @Override public void delete() throws IOException, InterruptedException { super .delete(); Util.deleteRecursive(getBuildDir()); } /** * Returns true if we should display "build now" icon */ @Exported public abstract boolean isBuildable(); /** * Gets the read-only view of all the builds. * * @ return never null . The first entry is the latest build. */ @Exported(name= "allBuilds" ,visibility=-2) @WithBridgeMethods(List.class) public RunList<RunT> getBuilds() { return RunList.fromRuns(_getRuns().values()); } /** * Gets the read-only view of the recent builds. * * @since 1.485 */ @Exported(name= "builds" ) public RunList<RunT> getNewBuilds() { return getBuilds().limit(100); } /** * Obtains all the {@link Run}s whose build numbers matches the given {@link RangeSet}. */ public synchronized List<RunT> getBuilds(RangeSet rs) { List<RunT> builds = new LinkedList<RunT>(); for (Range r : rs.getRanges()) { for (RunT b = getNearestBuild(r.start); b!= null && b.getNumber()<r.end; b=b.getNextBuild()) { builds.add(b); } } return builds; } /** * Gets all the builds in a map. */ public SortedMap< Integer , RunT> getBuildsAsMap() { return Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(_getRuns()); } /** * Looks up a build by its ID. * @see LazyBuildMixIn#getBuild */ public RunT getBuild( String id) { for (RunT r : _getRuns().values()) { if (r.getId().equals(id)) return r; } return null ; } /** * @param n * The build number. * @ return null if no such build exists. * @see Run#getNumber() * @see LazyBuildMixIn#getBuildByNumber */ public RunT getBuildByNumber( int n) { return _getRuns().get(n); } /** * Obtains a list of builds, in the descending order, that are within the specified time range [start,end). * * @ return can be empty but never null . * @deprecated * as of 1.372. Should just do {@code getBuilds().byTimestamp(s,e)} to avoid code bloat in {@link Job}. */ @WithBridgeMethods(List.class) @Deprecated public RunList<RunT> getBuildsByTimestamp( long start, long end) { return getBuilds().byTimestamp(start,end); } @CLIResolver public RunT getBuildForCLI(@Argument(required= true ,metaVar= "BUILD#" ,usage= "Build number" ) String id) throws CmdLineException { try { int n = Integer .parseInt(id); RunT r = getBuildByNumber(n); if (r== null ) throw new CmdLineException( null , "No such build '#" +n+ "' exists" ); return r; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new CmdLineException( null , id+ "is not a number" ); } } /** * Gets the youngest build #m that satisfies <tt>n&lt;=m</tt>. * * This is useful when you'd like to fetch a build but the exact build might * be already gone (deleted, rotated, etc.) * @see LazyBuildMixIn#getNearestBuild */ public RunT getNearestBuild( int n) { SortedMap< Integer , ? extends RunT> m = _getRuns().headMap(n - 1); // the map should // include n, so n-1 if (m.isEmpty()) return null ; return m.get(m.lastKey()); } /** * Gets the latest build #m that satisfies <tt>m&lt;=n</tt>. * * This is useful when you'd like to fetch a build but the exact build might * be already gone (deleted, rotated, etc.) * @see LazyBuildMixIn#getNearestOldBuild */ public RunT getNearestOldBuild( int n) { SortedMap< Integer , ? extends RunT> m = _getRuns().tailMap(n); if (m.isEmpty()) return null ; return m.get(m.firstKey()); } @Override public Object getDynamic( String token, StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) { try { // try to interpret the token as build number return getBuildByNumber( Integer .valueOf(token)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // try to map that to widgets for (Widget w : getWidgets()) { if (w.getUrlName().equals(token)) return w; } // is this a permalink? for (Permalink p : getPermalinks()) { if (p.getId().equals(token)) return p.resolve( this ); } return super .getDynamic(token, req, rsp); } } /** * Directory for storing {@link Run} records. * <p> * Some {@link Job}s may not have backing data store for {@link Run}s, but * those {@link Job}s that use file system for storing data should use this * directory for consistency. * * @see RunMap */ public File getBuildDir() { Jenkins j = Jenkins.getInstance(); if (j == null ) { return new File(getRootDir(), "builds" ); } return j.getBuildDirFor( this ); } /** * Gets all the runs. * * The resulting map must be treated immutable (by employing copy-on-write * semantics.) The map is descending order, with newest builds at the top. * @see LazyBuildMixIn#_getRuns */ protected abstract SortedMap< Integer , ? extends RunT> _getRuns(); /** * Called from {@link Run} to remove it from this job. * * The files are deleted already. So all the callee needs to do is to remove * a reference from this {@link Job}. * @see LazyBuildMixIn#removeRun */ protected abstract void removeRun(RunT run); /** * Returns the last build. * @see LazyBuildMixIn#getLastBuild */ @Exported @QuickSilver public RunT getLastBuild() { SortedMap< Integer , ? extends RunT> runs = _getRuns(); if (runs.isEmpty()) return null ; return runs.get(runs.firstKey()); } /** * Returns the oldest build in the record. * @see LazyBuildMixIn#getFirstBuild */ @Exported @QuickSilver public RunT getFirstBuild() { SortedMap< Integer , ? extends RunT> runs = _getRuns(); if (runs.isEmpty()) return null ; return runs.get(runs.lastKey()); } /** * Returns the last successful build, if any. Otherwise null . A successful build * would include either {@link Result#SUCCESS} or {@link Result#UNSTABLE}. * * @see #getLastStableBuild() */ @Exported @QuickSilver public RunT getLastSuccessfulBuild() { return (RunT)Permalink.LAST_SUCCESSFUL_BUILD.resolve( this ); } /** * Returns the last build that was anything but stable, if any. Otherwise null . * @see #getLastSuccessfulBuild */ @Exported @QuickSilver public RunT getLastUnsuccessfulBuild() { return (RunT)Permalink.LAST_UNSUCCESSFUL_BUILD.resolve( this ); } /** * Returns the last unstable build, if any. Otherwise null . * @see #getLastSuccessfulBuild */ @Exported @QuickSilver public RunT getLastUnstableBuild() { return (RunT)Permalink.LAST_UNSTABLE_BUILD.resolve( this ); } /** * Returns the last stable build, if any. Otherwise null . * @see #getLastSuccessfulBuild */ @Exported @QuickSilver public RunT getLastStableBuild() { return (RunT)Permalink.LAST_STABLE_BUILD.resolve( this ); } /** * Returns the last failed build, if any. Otherwise null . */ @Exported @QuickSilver public RunT getLastFailedBuild() { return (RunT)Permalink.LAST_FAILED_BUILD.resolve( this ); } /** * Returns the last completed build, if any. Otherwise null . */ @Exported @QuickSilver public RunT getLastCompletedBuild() { RunT r = getLastBuild(); while (r != null && r.isBuilding()) r = r.getPreviousBuild(); return r; } /** * Returns the last 'numberOfBuilds' builds with a build result >= 'threshold' * * @ return a list with the builds. May be smaller than 'numberOfBuilds' or even empty * if not enough builds satisfying the threshold have been found. Never null . */ public List<RunT> getLastBuildsOverThreshold( int numberOfBuilds, Result threshold) { List<RunT> result = new ArrayList<RunT>(numberOfBuilds); RunT r = getLastBuild(); while (r != null && result.size() < numberOfBuilds) { if (!r.isBuilding() && (r.getResult() != null && r.getResult().isBetterOrEqualTo(threshold))) { result.add(r); } r = r.getPreviousBuild(); } return result; } /** * Returns candidate build for calculating the estimated duration of the current run. * * Returns the 3 last successful (stable or unstable) builds, if there are any. * Failing to find 3 of those, it will return up to 3 last unsuccessful builds. * * In any case it will not go more than 6 builds into the past to avoid costly build loading. */ @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) protected List<RunT> getEstimatedDurationCandidates() { List<RunT> candidates = new ArrayList<RunT>(3); RunT lastSuccessful = getLastSuccessfulBuild(); int lastSuccessfulNumber = -1; if (lastSuccessful != null ) { candidates.add(lastSuccessful); lastSuccessfulNumber = lastSuccessful.getNumber(); } int i = 0; RunT r = getLastBuild(); List<RunT> fallbackCandidates = new ArrayList<RunT>(3); while (r != null && candidates.size() < 3 && i < 6) { if (!r.isBuilding() && r.getResult() != null && r.getNumber() != lastSuccessfulNumber) { Result result = r.getResult(); if (result.isBetterOrEqualTo(Result.UNSTABLE)) { candidates.add(r); } else if (result.isCompleteBuild()) { fallbackCandidates.add(r); } } i++; r = r.getPreviousBuild(); } while (candidates.size() < 3) { if (fallbackCandidates.isEmpty()) break ; RunT run = fallbackCandidates.remove(0); candidates.add(run); } return candidates; } public long getEstimatedDuration() { List<RunT> builds = getEstimatedDurationCandidates(); if (builds.isEmpty()) return -1; long totalDuration = 0; for (RunT b : builds) { totalDuration += b.getDuration(); } if (totalDuration==0) return -1; return Math .round(( double )totalDuration / builds.size()); } /** * Gets all the {@link Permalink}s defined for this job. * * @ return never null */ public PermalinkList getPermalinks() { // TODO: shall we cache this ? PermalinkList permalinks = new PermalinkList(Permalink.BUILTIN); for (PermalinkProjectAction ppa : getActions(PermalinkProjectAction.class)) { permalinks.addAll(ppa.getPermalinks()); } return permalinks; } @Override public ContextMenu doChildrenContextMenu(StaplerRequest request, StaplerResponse response) throws Exception { // not sure what would be really useful here. This needs more thoughts. // for the time being, I'm starting with permalinks ContextMenu menu = new ContextMenu(); for (Permalink p : getPermalinks()) { if (p.resolve( this ) != null ) { menu.add(p.getId(), p.getDisplayName()); } } return menu; } /** * Used as the color of the status ball for the project. */ @Exported(visibility = 2, name = "color" ) public BallColor getIconColor() { RunT lastBuild = getLastBuild(); while (lastBuild != null && lastBuild.hasntStartedYet()) lastBuild = lastBuild.getPreviousBuild(); if (lastBuild != null ) return lastBuild.getIconColor(); else return BallColor.NOTBUILT; } /** * Get the current health report for a job. * * @ return the health report. Never returns null */ public HealthReport getBuildHealth() { List<HealthReport> reports = getBuildHealthReports(); return reports.isEmpty() ? new HealthReport() : reports.get(0); } @Exported(name = "healthReport" ) public List<HealthReport> getBuildHealthReports() { List<HealthReport> reports = new ArrayList<HealthReport>(); RunT lastBuild = getLastBuild(); if (lastBuild != null && lastBuild.isBuilding()) { // show the previous build's report until the current one is // finished building. lastBuild = lastBuild.getPreviousBuild(); } // check the cache if (cachedBuildHealthReportsBuildNumber != null && cachedBuildHealthReports != null && lastBuild != null && cachedBuildHealthReportsBuildNumber.intValue() == lastBuild .getNumber()) { reports.addAll(cachedBuildHealthReports); } else if (lastBuild != null ) { for (HealthReportingAction healthReportingAction : lastBuild .getActions(HealthReportingAction.class)) { final HealthReport report = healthReportingAction .getBuildHealth(); if (report != null ) { if (report.isAggregateReport()) { reports.addAll(report.getAggregatedReports()); } else { reports.add(report); } } } final HealthReport report = getBuildStabilityHealthReport(); if (report != null ) { if (report.isAggregateReport()) { reports.addAll(report.getAggregatedReports()); } else { reports.add(report); } } Collections.sort(reports); // store the cache cachedBuildHealthReportsBuildNumber = lastBuild.getNumber(); cachedBuildHealthReports = new ArrayList<HealthReport>(reports); } return reports; } private HealthReport getBuildStabilityHealthReport() { // we can give a simple view of build health from the last five builds int failCount = 0; int totalCount = 0; RunT i = getLastBuild(); while (totalCount < 5 && i != null ) { switch (i.getIconColor()) { case BLUE: case YELLOW: // failCount stays the same totalCount++; break ; case RED: failCount++; totalCount++; break ; default : // do nothing as these are inconclusive statuses break ; } i = i.getPreviousBuild(); } if (totalCount > 0) { int score = ( int ) ((100.0 * (totalCount - failCount)) / totalCount); Localizable description; if (failCount == 0) { description = Messages._Job_NoRecentBuildFailed(); } else if (totalCount == failCount) { // this should catch the case where totalCount == 1 // as failCount must be between 0 and totalCount // and we can't get here if failCount == 0 description = Messages._Job_AllRecentBuildFailed(); } else { description = Messages._Job_NOfMFailed(failCount, totalCount); } return new HealthReport(score, Messages._Job_BuildStability(description)); } return null ; } // // // actions // // /** * Accepts submission from the configuration page. */ @RequirePOST public synchronized void doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException, FormException { checkPermission(CONFIGURE); description = req.getParameter( "description" ); JSONObject json = req.getSubmittedForm(); try { setDisplayName(json.optString( "displayNameOrNull" )); logRotator = null ; DescribableList<JobProperty<?>, JobPropertyDescriptor> t = new DescribableList<JobProperty<?>, JobPropertyDescriptor>(NOOP,getAllProperties()); JSONObject jsonProperties = json.optJSONObject( "properties" ); if (jsonProperties != null ) { t.rebuild(req,jsonProperties,JobPropertyDescriptor.getPropertyDescriptors(Job. this .getClass())); } else { t.clear(); } properties.clear(); for (JobProperty p : t) { p.setOwner( this ); properties.add(p); } submit(req, rsp); save(); ItemListener.fireOnUpdated( this ); String newName = req.getParameter( "name" ); final ProjectNamingStrategy namingStrategy = Jenkins.getInstance().getProjectNamingStrategy(); if (validRename(name, newName)) { newName = newName.trim(); // check this error early to avoid HTTP response splitting. Jenkins.checkGoodName(newName); namingStrategy.checkName(newName); if (FormApply.isApply(req)) { FormApply.applyResponse( "notificationBar.show(" + QuotedStringTokenizer.quote(Messages.Job_you_must_use_the_save_button_if_you_wish()) + ",notificationBar.WARNING)" ).generateResponse(req, rsp, null ); } else { rsp.sendRedirect( "rename?newName=" + URLEncoder.encode(newName, "UTF-8" )); } } else { if (namingStrategy.isForceExistingJobs()){ namingStrategy.checkName(name); } FormApply.success( "." ).generateResponse(req, rsp, null ); } } catch (JSONException e) { Logger.getLogger(Job. class. getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "failed to parse " + json, e); sendError(e, req, rsp); } } private boolean validRename( String oldName, String newName) { if (newName == null ) { return false ; } boolean noChange = oldName.equals(newName); boolean spaceAdded = oldName.equals(newName.trim()); return !noChange && !spaceAdded; } /** * Derived class can override this to perform additional config submission * work. */ protected void submit(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException, FormException { } /** * Accepts and serves the job description */ public void doDescription(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException { if (req.getMethod().equals( "GET" )) { //read rsp.setContentType( "text/plain;charset=UTF-8" ); rsp.getWriter().write(Util.fixNull( this .getDescription())); return ; } if (req.getMethod().equals( "POST" )) { checkPermission(CONFIGURE); // submission if (req.getParameter( "description" ) != null ) { this .setDescription(req.getParameter( "description" )); rsp.sendError(SC_NO_CONTENT); return ; } } // huh? rsp.sendError(SC_BAD_REQUEST); } /** * Returns the image that shows the current buildCommand status. */ public void doBuildStatus(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException { rsp.sendRedirect2(req.getContextPath() + "/images/48x48/" + getBuildStatusUrl()); } public String getBuildStatusUrl() { return getIconColor().getImage(); } public String getBuildStatusIconClassName() { return getIconColor().getIconClassName(); } public Graph getBuildTimeGraph() { return new Graph(getLastBuildTime(),500,400) { @Override protected JFreeChart createGraph() { class ChartLabel implements Comparable<ChartLabel> { final Run run; public ChartLabel(Run r) { this .run = r; } public int compareTo(ChartLabel that) { return this .run.number - that.run.number; } @Override public boolean equals( Object o) { // HUDSON-2682 workaround for Eclipse compilation bug // on (c instanceof ChartLabel) if (o == null || !ChartLabel. class. isAssignableFrom( o.getClass() )) { return false ; } ChartLabel that = (ChartLabel) o; return run == that.run; } public Color getColor() { // TODO: consider gradation. See // http://www.javadrive.jp/java2d/shape/index9.html Result r = run.getResult(); if (r == Result.FAILURE) return ColorPalette.RED; else if (r == Result.UNSTABLE) return ColorPalette.YELLOW; else if (r == Result.ABORTED || r == Result.NOT_BUILT) return ColorPalette.GREY; else return ColorPalette.BLUE; } @Override public int hashCode() { return run.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { String l = run.getDisplayName(); if (run instanceof Build) { String s = ((Build) run).getBuiltOnStr(); if (s != null ) l += ' ' + s; } return l; } } DataSetBuilder< String , ChartLabel> data = new DataSetBuilder< String , ChartLabel>(); for (Run r : getNewBuilds()) { if (r.isBuilding()) continue ; data.add((( double ) r.getDuration()) / (1000 * 60), "min" , new ChartLabel(r)); } final CategoryDataset dataset = data.build(); final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createStackedAreaChart( null , // chart // title null , // unused Messages.Job_minutes(), // range axis label dataset, // data PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, // orientation false , // include legend true , // tooltips false // urls ); chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); final CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot(); // plot.setAxisOffset( new Spacer(Spacer.ABSOLUTE, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0)); plot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); plot.setOutlinePaint( null ); plot.setForegroundAlpha(0.8f); // plot.setDomainGridlinesVisible( true ); // plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(Color.white); plot.setRangeGridlinesVisible( true ); plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.black); CategoryAxis domainAxis = new ShiftedCategoryAxis( null ); plot.setDomainAxis(domainAxis); domainAxis.setCategoryLabelPositions(CategoryLabelPositions.UP_90); domainAxis.setLowerMargin(0.0); domainAxis.setUpperMargin(0.0); domainAxis.setCategoryMargin(0.0); final NumberAxis rangeAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getRangeAxis(); ChartUtil.adjustChebyshev(dataset, rangeAxis); rangeAxis.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits()); StackedAreaRenderer ar = new StackedAreaRenderer2() { @Override public Paint getItemPaint( int row, int column) { ChartLabel key = (ChartLabel) dataset.getColumnKey(column); return key.getColor(); } @Override public String generateURL(CategoryDataset dataset, int row, int column) { ChartLabel label = (ChartLabel) dataset.getColumnKey(column); return String .valueOf(label.run.number); } @Override public String generateToolTip(CategoryDataset dataset, int row, int column) { ChartLabel label = (ChartLabel) dataset.getColumnKey(column); return label.run.getDisplayName() + " : " + label.run.getDurationString(); } }; plot.setRenderer(ar); // crop extra space around the graph plot.setInsets( new RectangleInsets(0, 0, 0, 5.0)); return chart; } }; } private Calendar getLastBuildTime() { final RunT lastBuild = getLastBuild(); if (lastBuild == null ) { final GregorianCalendar neverBuiltCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(); neverBuiltCalendar.setTimeInMillis(0); return neverBuiltCalendar; } return lastBuild.getTimestamp(); } /** * Renames this job. */ @RequirePOST public /* not synchronized . see renameTo() */ void doDoRename( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException { if (!hasPermission(CONFIGURE)) { // rename is essentially delete followed by a create checkPermission(CREATE); checkPermission(DELETE); } String newName = req.getParameter( "newName" ); Jenkins.checkGoodName(newName); if (isBuilding()) { // redirect to page explaining that we can't rename now rsp.sendRedirect( "rename?newName=" + URLEncoder.encode(newName, "UTF-8" )); return ; } renameTo(newName); // send to the new job page // note we can't use getUrl() because that would pick up old name in the // Ancestor.getUrl() rsp.sendRedirect2( "../" + newName); } public void doRssAll(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException { rss(req, rsp, " all builds" , getBuilds()); } public void doRssFailed(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException { rss(req, rsp, " failed builds" , getBuilds().failureOnly()); } private void rss(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, String suffix, RunList runs) throws IOException, ServletException { RSS.forwardToRss(getDisplayName() + suffix, getUrl(), runs.newBuilds(), Run.FEED_ADAPTER, req, rsp); } /** * Returns the {@link ACL} for this object. * We need to override the identical method in AbstractItem because we won't * call getACL(Job) otherwise (single dispatch) */ @Override public ACL getACL() { return Jenkins.getInstance().getAuthorizationStrategy().getACL( this ); } public BuildTimelineWidget getTimeline() { return new BuildTimelineWidget(getBuilds()); } private final static HexStringConfidentialKey SERVER_COOKIE = new HexStringConfidentialKey(Job.class, "serverCookie" ,16); }

          hai li added a comment -

          My Jenkins is 1.642.4. Also trigger this issue frequently. Any permanent fixes?

          hai li added a comment - My Jenkins is 1.642.4. Also trigger this issue frequently. Any permanent fixes?

          Vlad Aginsky added a comment - - edited

          guys, this critical issue is unassigned. who can take it?

          Vlad Aginsky added a comment - - edited guys, this critical issue is unassigned. who can take it?

          hai li added a comment -

          Anyone could fix this critical issue?

          hai li added a comment - Anyone could fix this critical issue?

          Jesse Glick added a comment -

          Seems like there may be two distinct issues:

          • A bug in the reload function relating to stale Job objects, with clearest steps to reproduce in JENKINS-29902, and analysis in JENKINS-33794.
          • Some bug in the matrix-project plugin’s implementation of MatrixConfiguration.getNextBuildNumber and .assignBuildNumber overrides, which looks like an intrinsically fragile design.

          Jesse Glick added a comment - Seems like there may be two distinct issues: A bug in the reload function relating to stale Job objects, with clearest steps to reproduce in JENKINS-29902 , and analysis in JENKINS-33794 . Some bug in the matrix-project plugin’s implementation of MatrixConfiguration.getNextBuildNumber and .assignBuildNumber overrides, which looks like an intrinsically fragile design.

          Jesse Glick added a comment -


          If "Reload Configuration from disk" isn't going to be fully supported then it should be removed entirely.

          It has always been trouble-prone and I would love to remove it, but it seems there are a fair number of people relying on it.

          It is safer to reload an individual job via the reload-job CLI command or POSTing to $JENKINS_URL/job/whatever/reload.

          Better still is to avoid touching $JENKINS_HOME directly at all, and use update-job etc. to modify configurations from scripts.

          Jesse Glick added a comment - jeff_a_miller If "Reload Configuration from disk" isn't going to be fully supported then it should be removed entirely. It has always been trouble-prone and I would love to remove it, but it seems there are a fair number of people relying on it. It is safer to reload an individual job via the reload-job CLI command or POSTing to $JENKINS_URL/job/whatever/reload . Better still is to avoid touching $JENKINS_HOME directly at all, and use update-job etc. to modify configurations from scripts.

          Jesse Glick added a comment -

          I have a fix for the reload-with-job-in-queue bug. Might make it into 2.13. Might make it into 2.7.2 or 2.7.3.

          dimacus I tried to follow your instructions to reproduce the related bug in Jenkins 2.7.1 without success. Are you still able to reproduce it? If so, it would be best to file a fresh bug report in matrix-project-plugin, linked to this one, with exact steps to reproduce from scratch.

          markewaite similarly.

          Jesse Glick added a comment - I have a fix for the reload-with-job-in-queue bug. Might make it into 2.13. Might make it into 2.7.2 or 2.7.3. dimacus I tried to follow your instructions to reproduce the related bug in Jenkins 2.7.1 without success. Are you still able to reproduce it? If so, it would be best to file a fresh bug report in matrix-project-plugin , linked to this one, with exact steps to reproduce from scratch. markewaite similarly.

          Jesse Glick added a comment -

          Fixed towards 2.13.

          Jesse Glick added a comment - Fixed towards 2.13.

            jglick Jesse Glick
            igorama Igor Koyfman
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