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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-27530

ISE from RunMap.put after reloading configuration from disk

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • core
    • The dead node is Win7 running cygwin sshd, the server is RHEL5. Jenkins version 1.605.

      Submitting log per instructions on the dead node page.

      Unexpected executor death
      java.lang.IllegalStateException: /hfs/d1/local/jenkins/jobs/test_other/builds/96 already existed; will not overwite with test_other #96
      at hudson.model.RunMap.put(RunMap.java:187)
      at jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn.newBuild(LazyBuildMixIn.java:178)
      at hudson.model.AbstractProject.newBuild(AbstractProject.java:1006)
      at hudson.model.AbstractProject.createExecutable(AbstractProject.java:1205)
      at hudson.model.AbstractProject.createExecutable(AbstractProject.java:144)
      at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:213)

          [JENKINS-27530] ISE from RunMap.put after reloading configuration from disk

            jglick Jesse Glick
            igorama Igor Koyfman
            9 Vote for this issue
            19 Start watching this issue
