As you can see in the screenshot "error.jpg" (cf. attachment), I cannot use the job's reference to identify a job in rundeck plugin.
When I use the UUID, Jenkins display this message :
Your Rundeck job is : b06a976e-beba-411b-add7-190df590dee9 [RE7] SYSTEM/SCAN_BUNDLES --> all is ok with UUID.
If I am connected on Rundeck with the same account used with the Rundeck plugin on Jenkins, when access to this URL on my browser :
I can see in the XML response my job and all others job of my project RE7 :
<job id="b06a976e-beba-411b-add7-190df590dee9"><name>SCAN_BUNDLES</name><group>SYSTEM</group><project>RE7</project><description>This job should be used to register a new bundle into Rundeck.
NB: only last 20 uploaded bundles are registered on Rundeck.</description></job>
Do you know why I cannot identify my job with the reference RE7:SYSTEM/SCAN_BUNDLES? And why it works only with UUID or ID?
Feel free to ask me if you need more informations.
Thx in advance.
[JENKINS-27892] Rundeck - Could not find a job with the identifier
Workflow | Original: JNJira [ 162485 ] | New: JNJira + In-Review [ 180943 ] |
searching for a job using project and name will only work if you have a single job with that same group and name in the project. Make sure you don't have more than one job with the same exact name and group