Hi Rob,
Would you agree Perforce has 'password' and 'ticket' authentication?
For ticket authentication, the ticket is retrieved from the p4 login command at line 618 of AbstractLoginTemplate.
One can see that when using ticket authentication, whatever is passed in via stdin is ignored.
$ echo "" | p4 login -a -p
$ echo "AnyPassword" | p4 login -a -p
The ticket is returned for later use by the plugin. The above is exactly what's occurring at line 634.
Most users leave the 'password' field blank, as they should, but some users enter their password. Both produce the same result, but the latter is a security concern which I'm wanting to address by removing the option to enter a password.
p4 login is always called in order to get or refresh a ticket. Removing the field will cause the plugin to stop functioning, as no ticket or password will be available for login.
In order to use Kerberos or some other non-password auth on the client-side, you would need to use a custom third-party perforce client, which will never be supported by this plugin.