Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins: 1.596.3
Amazon EC2 plugin: 1.28
Amazon Linux
I'm utilizing the EC2 plugin to spin up Jenkins worker slaves on-demand. During the start-up of each worker, I want to download and start a selenium server.
After downloading the selenium server jar via curl, I've tried starting selenium via the Init Script.
screen -d -m -L -S selenium java -jar /tmp/selenium-server-standalone.jar
nohup java -jar /tmp/selenium-server-standalone.jar &
Fail to start selenium. I've done a little digging, and in each case those commands exit with a status of 0, but it seems like nothing happens.
As a workaround, I'm using a cronjob to ensure selenium is running via screen. It is pretty hacky. I'd love to start a background process via the Init Script.
EDIT: I've added a screenshot of the work config, as well as full text of the Init Script.