Yes, it is JRE dependent. Since your post I've tried:
- Oracle Java 1.8.0_45 -> did not work (depends on used Distribution)
- Oracle Java 1.8.0_40 -> works
- Oracle Java 1.7.79/80 -> works
- OpenJDK 1.8.0_45 -> did not work
- OpenJDK 1.7.0_79 -> did not work
I've tried to install the cryptographic extensions to overcome the problem with OpenJDK, but without success.
For Oracle Java 1.8.0_45 I could verify it working on Orcale Linux, CentOS, RedHat Enterprise (all 6.6, 7.1), but not on Ubuntu (14.04 LTS) or Debian – looks like there is some sort of library incompatibility or some library not available with the right version number.
As of now I got it working.
All web search results I found on this error message indicate that this is an issue with the JRE (OpenJDK?) used, rather than related to the application.