Resolution: Unresolved
build-name-setter 1.3
"The update actually happens twice during the build; once right after the check out, and once before the build is completed."
When check out takes a long time (e.g. several libraries are being checked out), build name does not update immediately, although, it is already in the "building" state.
Provide an option to update build name before check-out.
Users can use this option if they do not need any information from the source code/libraries being checked out for their build name (i.e. build name makes use of Build Parameters). Build name will then update immediately for such cases.
Might be a bit hacky but could add a build step called "Set Build Name" that then triggers setting the name
[EDIT] : Git repo does actually make mention of this with screenshots: https://github.com/jenkinsci/build-name-setter-plugin/blob/master/README.md ; however, unsure if out-of-date since that build option "Update build name" doesn't actually appear.
[EDIT2] : Bah!! https://github.com/jenkinsci/build-name-setter-plugin/pull/6