'cvs update' is already passed the '-C' option to clobber any source
modifications that might have been made during the previous build.
CVSSCM.parseUpdateOutput is treating any output from this command which solely
consists of reverting a local modification as an upstream change, then that is a
bug, not an RFE.
Well-behaved build scripts will not make any such modifications to begin
with, of course; but accidents happen, and it is desirable for Hudson to recover
without manual intervention by starting every build with a clean source tree,
especially if the build script is fixed later.
'cvs update' is already passed the '-C' option to clobber any source
modifications that might have been made during the previous build.
CVSSCM.parseUpdateOutput is treating any output from this command which solely
consists of reverting a local modification as an upstream change, then that is a
bug, not an RFE.
with, of course; but accidents happen, and it is desirable for Hudson to recover
without manual intervention by starting every build with a clean source tree,
especially if the build script is fixed later.