Windows Server 2008, Jenkins 1.636, htmlpublisher-plugin 1.8.
I upgraded to Jenkins 1.642 and htmlpublisher-plugin 1.10.
I now only see "very simple" Reports (html only documents).
All other references in the page are no longer work (if the page refers to css, xsl, any Iframe references or .js).
This renders the system useless to us, not being able to see any of the historical or new report vi the Jenkins interface (can only “see” them when logged into the Jenkins master server and going into the htmlreports folder for the job on the drive).
I had to revert Jenkins back to 1.636 and the htmlpublisher-plugin to 1.8 to get back to a working state.
It looks like the Jeninks security changes in combination with the htmlpublisher-plugin will not allow pages to be rendered properly anymore.
I did not try the “-Dhudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP="script-src 'unsafe-inline' reference in the Jenkins.xml file (since I already reverted everything).
This looks like the problem I have reported a few days ago (see
JENKINS-32026).The solution for me was the following:
1.) Upgrade to the latest Jenkins version (in my case 1.625.3).
2.) Upgrade the HTML Publisher Plugin (in my case to 1.10).
3.) Add the following to the file jenkins.xml:
-Dhudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP="script-src 'unsafe-inline'"
The reason in my case is a security issue regarding the use of JavaScript in the HTML file. Now it is working for me. There is only a little error because of the wrong checksum but when following the displayed link I can open the file and JavaScript is working. I hope this helps.