While testing JENKINS-36590,
I found out this bug still exists.
My environment:
Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64
Jenkins 2.13
Open JDK 1.7
Active Choices Plug-in 1.4
I created a multi-configuration job (matrix) on the top level (outside of Cloudsbee folder)
with 2 intput parameters:
Name1: Active choices parameter
Name2: Active choices reactive parameter
Both have Groovy script:
return [ jenkinsProject.getName()]
This Groovy script so far works only for freestyle jobs,
but would fail for multi-configuration jobs or multibranch-multiconfiguration job
or for jobs within a folder (eg. freestyle job would fail if it's under a folder).
Workaround: def jenkinsProject = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getItem("PROJECT_NAME")