Hi svanoort,
I'm saying that only the current run is displayed if you change at least one stage name.
Try executing the first pipeline and then the second one.
First pipeline
node {
stage 'Stage one'
echo 'Hello World 1'
stage 'Stage two'
echo 'Hello World 2'
Second pipeline
node {
stage 'Stage one bis'
echo 'Hello World 1'
stage 'Stage two'
echo 'Hello World 2'
I think that if I can load the pipeline from SCM, I can change stages/commands at every build, and it should be nice to have a visual history of all the builds in sequential order (or the Stage View also in the single Build View)
ligio I'm not sure what you mean - are you saying that only the current run is displaying when the number of stages changes? I've seen that happen intermittently, mostly with very large stages. Usually refreshing the page fixes the issue, though.
I suspect it has to do with the way the JS code renders cached builds, possibly some sort of ordering bug. Worth looking into. Do you have a case that consistently replicates the issue? (I haven't been able to get it to do this consistently.)