New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
I would like to be able to configure my github organization folder to use scm polling for jobs it creates.
My Jenkins server is behind a firewall and cannot be accessed by Github. The current web hook functionality doesn't work. I need some other way to trigger builds.
- relates to
JENKINS-35185 Trigger github multi-branch build via SQS
- Open
[JENKINS-34779] configurable scm polling for github organization folder jobs
Workflow | Original: JNJira [ 170970 ] | New: JNJira + In-Review [ 184110 ] |
Priority | Original: Trivial [ 5 ] | New: Major [ 3 ] |
Summary | Original: repo polling | New: configurable scm polling for github organization folder jobs |
Component/s | New: branch-api-plugin [ 18621 ] | |
Component/s | Original: github-organization-folder-plugin [ 21427 ] |
Issue Type | Original: Bug [ 1 ] | New: New Feature [ 2 ] |
Labels | New: scm-api-tidy-scrub |
Labels | Original: scm-api-tidy-scrub | New: scm-api-tidy-rfe |
Assignee | Original: Kohsuke Kawaguchi [ kohsuke ] | New: CloudBees Inc. [ cloudbees ] |
Link | New: This issue relates to JENKINS-35185 [ JENKINS-35185 ] |