• 1.0-japan-m9

      In Scope

      • For any node in the railway the developer can click on it and see a list of the steps that had executed for that node
      • Each step has a status (passed, failed or running)
      • Clicking on one of the steps expands the log in place.
      • On successful, aborted, unstable and unknown runs the developer sees all the steps in the log collapsed
      • On failed run the developer sees all the steps in the log collapsed but the failing step is expanded
      • On executing run the developer sees all the steps in the log collapsed but the currently executing step is expanded
      • Not in the mockup: 2px radius on the top and bottom un-expanded steps
      • Don't fetch the whole log into the browser memory ever (break the "download log" feature if needed)
      • Show full log in freestyle cases (no step by step break down) but without eagerly loading the whole multi MB log (should only load last 4K (ping Vivek), as jenkins console does now, with a link to "show full log" that then loads the rest. not test with other then pipeline and multibranch
      • When loading a log (for a step, or whole log for freestyle) and it only loads the last part, offer a link to "Show all" (as Jenkins does now)

      Out of scope:

      • Tailing (UX-73)
      • Download load option
      • Open raw log in new tab (can lazily load from server) in all cases (reasonably formatter, nearly works already but missing newlines)

          [JENKINS-35820] Developer sees the log broken down by step

            tscherler Thorsten Scherler
            jamesdumay James Dumay
            1 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
