Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins job succeeds
Tool | Version |
OSX | 10.11.5 |
Xcode | 7.2.1 |
Swarm | 2.0 or 2.1 |
Jenkins job succeeds
Tool | Detail |
OSX | 10.11.5 |
Xcode | 7.3.1 |
Connection Type | JNLP agent |
Jenkins job fails
Tool | Detail |
OSX | 10.11.5 |
Xcode | 7.3.1 |
Swarm | 2.0 or 2.1 |
Problem started with 7.3.1 and does not happen if I use JNLP agent rather than Swarm.
Jenkins job body:
xcodebuild test -workspace /opt/workspace/project/ios_core/core.xcworkspace \ -scheme iOSBuild -enableCodeCoverage NO \ -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=9.3' \ -derivedDataPath /opt//workspace/project/project/DevDerivedData
from jenkins execution:
09:17:36 ✓ testSomething (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 LocalListingsCacheTests 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithState (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithStateNoNotification (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithStateNotification (0.001 seconds) 09:17:39 Failed to authorize rights (0x1) with status: -60007.
slave system.log
Jun 16 09:17:35 server02 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.system): Caller not allowed to perform action: xcodebuild.7872, action = service submission, code = 1: Operation not permitted, uid = 502, euid = 502, gid = 20, egid = 20, asid = 100013 Jun 16 09:17:39 --- last message repeated 2 times --- Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100024 created Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Killing auth hosts Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100021 destroyed Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 xcodebuild[7872]: DTServiceHubClient: connected to server (singleton pid: 14787, initial pid: 14787) Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: copy_rights: _server_authorize failed Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100025 created Jun 16 09:19:37 server02 syslogd[45]: ASL Sender Statistics
slave authd.log
Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: Failed to authorize right 'system.privilege.taskport.debug' by client '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTInstrumentsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/DTServiceHub' [14787] for authorization created by '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTInstrumentsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/DTServiceHub' [14787] (13,0) (-60007) Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: copy_rights: _server_authorize failed
I wouldn't think this was plugin except it works fine when I use JNLP connection and only fails when using this plugin.
[JENKINS-36049] xcode 7.3.1 - osx 10.11.5 - Failed to authorize rights (0x1) with status: -60007.
Description |
h4. SUCCESS ||Tool||Version|| |OSX|10.11.5| |Xcode|7.2.1| |Swarm|2.0 or 2.1| h4. SUCCESS ||Tool||Detail|| |OSX|10.11.5| |Xcode|7.3.1| |Connection Type|JNLP agent| h4. FAILURE ||Tool||Detail|| |OSX|10.11.5| |Xcode|7.3.1| |Swarm|2.0 or 2.1| Problem started with 7.3.1 and does not happen if I use JNLP agent rather than Swarm. Jenkins job body: {code} xcodebuild test -workspace /opt/workspace/project/ios_core/core.xcworkspace \ -scheme iOSBuild -enableCodeCoverage NO \ -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=9.3' \ -derivedDataPath /opt//workspace/project/project/DevDerivedData {code} from jenkins execution: {code} 09:17:36 ✓ testSomething (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 LocalListingsCacheTests 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithState (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithStateNoNotification (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithStateNotification (0.001 seconds) 09:17:39 Failed to authorize rights (0x1) with status: -60007. {code} system.log {code} Jun 16 09:17:35 server02 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.system): Caller not allowed to perform action: xcodebuild.7872, action = service submission, code = 1: Operation not permitted, uid = 502, euid = 502, gid = 20, egid = 20, asid = 100013 Jun 16 09:17:39 --- last message repeated 2 times --- Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100024 created Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Killing auth hosts Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100021 destroyed Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 xcodebuild[7872]: DTServiceHubClient: connected to server (singleton pid: 14787, initial pid: 14787) Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: copy_rights: _server_authorize failed Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100025 created Jun 16 09:19:37 server02 syslogd[45]: ASL Sender Statistics {code} authd.log {code} Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: Failed to authorize right 'system.privilege.taskport.debug' by client '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTInstrumentsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/DTServiceHub' [14787] for authorization created by '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTInstrumentsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/DTServiceHub' [14787] (13,0) (-60007) Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: copy_rights: _server_authorize failed {code} I wouldn't think this was plugin except it works fine when I use JNLP connection and only fails when using this plugin. |
h4. Jenkins job succeeds ||Tool||Version|| |OSX|10.11.5| |Xcode|7.2.1| |Swarm|2.0 or 2.1| h4. Jenkins job succeeds ||Tool||Detail|| |OSX|10.11.5| |Xcode|7.3.1| |Connection Type|JNLP agent| h4. Jenkins job fails ||Tool||Detail|| |OSX|10.11.5| |Xcode|7.3.1| |Swarm|2.0 or 2.1| Problem started with 7.3.1 and does not happen if I use JNLP agent rather than Swarm. Jenkins job body: {code} xcodebuild test -workspace /opt/workspace/project/ios_core/core.xcworkspace \ -scheme iOSBuild -enableCodeCoverage NO \ -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=9.3' \ -derivedDataPath /opt//workspace/project/project/DevDerivedData {code} from jenkins execution: {code} 09:17:36 ✓ testSomething (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 LocalListingsCacheTests 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithState (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithStateNoNotification (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithStateNotification (0.001 seconds) 09:17:39 Failed to authorize rights (0x1) with status: -60007. {code} system.log {code} Jun 16 09:17:35 server02 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.system): Caller not allowed to perform action: xcodebuild.7872, action = service submission, code = 1: Operation not permitted, uid = 502, euid = 502, gid = 20, egid = 20, asid = 100013 Jun 16 09:17:39 --- last message repeated 2 times --- Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100024 created Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Killing auth hosts Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100021 destroyed Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 xcodebuild[7872]: DTServiceHubClient: connected to server (singleton pid: 14787, initial pid: 14787) Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: copy_rights: _server_authorize failed Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100025 created Jun 16 09:19:37 server02 syslogd[45]: ASL Sender Statistics {code} authd.log {code} Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: Failed to authorize right 'system.privilege.taskport.debug' by client '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTInstrumentsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/DTServiceHub' [14787] for authorization created by '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTInstrumentsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/DTServiceHub' [14787] (13,0) (-60007) Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: copy_rights: _server_authorize failed {code} I wouldn't think this was plugin except it works fine when I use JNLP connection and only fails when using this plugin. |
Description |
h4. Jenkins job succeeds ||Tool||Version|| |OSX|10.11.5| |Xcode|7.2.1| |Swarm|2.0 or 2.1| h4. Jenkins job succeeds ||Tool||Detail|| |OSX|10.11.5| |Xcode|7.3.1| |Connection Type|JNLP agent| h4. Jenkins job fails ||Tool||Detail|| |OSX|10.11.5| |Xcode|7.3.1| |Swarm|2.0 or 2.1| Problem started with 7.3.1 and does not happen if I use JNLP agent rather than Swarm. Jenkins job body: {code} xcodebuild test -workspace /opt/workspace/project/ios_core/core.xcworkspace \ -scheme iOSBuild -enableCodeCoverage NO \ -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=9.3' \ -derivedDataPath /opt//workspace/project/project/DevDerivedData {code} from jenkins execution: {code} 09:17:36 ✓ testSomething (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 LocalListingsCacheTests 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithState (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithStateNoNotification (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithStateNotification (0.001 seconds) 09:17:39 Failed to authorize rights (0x1) with status: -60007. {code} system.log {code} Jun 16 09:17:35 server02 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.system): Caller not allowed to perform action: xcodebuild.7872, action = service submission, code = 1: Operation not permitted, uid = 502, euid = 502, gid = 20, egid = 20, asid = 100013 Jun 16 09:17:39 --- last message repeated 2 times --- Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100024 created Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Killing auth hosts Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100021 destroyed Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 xcodebuild[7872]: DTServiceHubClient: connected to server (singleton pid: 14787, initial pid: 14787) Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: copy_rights: _server_authorize failed Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100025 created Jun 16 09:19:37 server02 syslogd[45]: ASL Sender Statistics {code} authd.log {code} Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: Failed to authorize right 'system.privilege.taskport.debug' by client '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTInstrumentsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/DTServiceHub' [14787] for authorization created by '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTInstrumentsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/DTServiceHub' [14787] (13,0) (-60007) Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: copy_rights: _server_authorize failed {code} I wouldn't think this was plugin except it works fine when I use JNLP connection and only fails when using this plugin. |
h4. Jenkins job succeeds ||Tool||Version|| |OSX|10.11.5| |Xcode|7.2.1| |Swarm|2.0 or 2.1| h4. Jenkins job succeeds ||Tool||Detail|| |OSX|10.11.5| |Xcode|7.3.1| |Connection Type|JNLP agent| h4. Jenkins job fails ||Tool||Detail|| |OSX|10.11.5| |Xcode|7.3.1| |Swarm|2.0 or 2.1| Problem started with 7.3.1 and does not happen if I use JNLP agent rather than Swarm. Jenkins job body: {code} xcodebuild test -workspace /opt/workspace/project/ios_core/core.xcworkspace \ -scheme iOSBuild -enableCodeCoverage NO \ -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=9.3' \ -derivedDataPath /opt//workspace/project/project/DevDerivedData {code} from jenkins execution: {code} 09:17:36 ✓ testSomething (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 LocalListingsCacheTests 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithState (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithStateNoNotification (0.001 seconds) 09:17:36 ✓ testListingsCacheAddWithStateNotification (0.001 seconds) 09:17:39 Failed to authorize rights (0x1) with status: -60007. {code} slave system.log {code} Jun 16 09:17:35 server02 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.system): Caller not allowed to perform action: xcodebuild.7872, action = service submission, code = 1: Operation not permitted, uid = 502, euid = 502, gid = 20, egid = 20, asid = 100013 Jun 16 09:17:39 --- last message repeated 2 times --- Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100024 created Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Killing auth hosts Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100021 destroyed Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 xcodebuild[7872]: DTServiceHubClient: connected to server (singleton pid: 14787, initial pid: 14787) Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: copy_rights: _server_authorize failed Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 com.apple.SecurityServer[83]: Session 100025 created Jun 16 09:19:37 server02 syslogd[45]: ASL Sender Statistics {code} slave authd.log {code} Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: Failed to authorize right 'system.privilege.taskport.debug' by client '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTInstrumentsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/DTServiceHub' [14787] for authorization created by '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTInstrumentsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/DTServiceHub' [14787] (13,0) (-60007) Jun 16 09:17:39 server02 authd[119]: copy_rights: _server_authorize failed {code} I wouldn't think this was plugin except it works fine when I use JNLP connection and only fails when using this plugin. |
Priority | Original: Minor [ 4 ] | New: Major [ 3 ] |
Priority | Original: Major [ 3 ] | New: Blocker [ 1 ] |
Workflow | Original: JNJira [ 172692 ] | New: JNJira + In-Review [ 184731 ] |
Resolution | New: Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | Original: Open [ 1 ] | New: Closed [ 6 ] |
Assignee | Original: Kohsuke Kawaguchi [ kohsuke ] |